RogerBW's Blog

Bleeding Heart Yard, Elly Griffiths 21 September 2024

2022 mystery, third in the loose Harbinder Kaur series.. At a 21-year school reunion, one of the former pupils is found dead with cocaine round his nose. And he's an MP…

This is definitely a loose series; since the last book, Hardbiner's moved from Bruighton to become a DI with the Metropolitan Police, and is in charge of this investigation. (There's some talk of press attention, but someone else is doing a good job of keeping that off the back of the working cops.) She's having to manage a team while trying to keep up the practical police work herself; and one of that team was at the reunion in her own right…

We get two other narrative voices too: Cassie, who has dim and incomplete memories of being involved in the murder of one of her fellow pupils back in 1999, and Anna, one of the other students who doesn't remember anything about it at all. Cassie in particular has knowledge which is not shared with the reader at first, something which generally irks me in a mystery, but I've got used to Griffiths' style by now and I grudgingly forgive her for it.

I'm also reminded of some of Christopher Brookmyre's later books, and particularly the way in which the things people did at school seem to set up the entire course of their later lives; this one was arty and musical and is now a famous musician, that one had the lead in every play and is how a famous actor, those two were always talking about politics and are now MPs. This isn't my general experience; sure, there were some people at school like that, but most of the people I knew have gone in quite different directions from what the careers staff would have advised, and most of them (including me) have significantly different personalities—in other words, we've grown up a bit.

This is definitely towards the literary end of my taste in mystery fiction, and the case (cases?) almost become subordinated to feelings about a dying mother or a rekindled romance. The puzzle is still there, and everything gets appropriately resolved, even if I found a particular feat of marksmanship (n qbjajneq fubg jvgu n cvfgby npebff n fgerrg vagb n qnex ohg bcra fcnpr gb uvg bar bs gjb crbcyr jub ner fgehttyvat jvgu rnpu bgure) just a bit impressive for the person who's meant to have done it.

(Also it's Three Men In a Boat not "Three Men and a Boat".)

All right, the investigators were more surprised by the revelation of the villain than I was, but I suppose that's fair enough.

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Previous in series: The Postscript Murders | Series: Harbinder Kaur

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