RogerBW's Blog

Full Share, Nathan Lowell 25 September 2024

2008 YA SF, third in its series. Ishmael Horatio Wang continues his career as space crew on a trading ship.

Well, there are some slight challenges this time. Ishmael is going to be bumped from his berth by officialdom, but he doesn't worry… and since he's apparently the only person in the universe who's ever thought of programming a computer it turns out that they can indeed find a place for him elsewhere in the roster. (Seriously, I got a strong XKCD 1831 feeling off this whole strand, except instead of the last panel everyone is going "yay, our saviour".) He's back to being something of a hormonal idiot in his relationships, in spite of last book suggesting that he'd got that sorted. And, after he casually passes all the exams for all the crew positions, he's terribly surprised when his mentors suggest that just maybe he ought to think about going to the Merchant Academy and train as an officer.

All of these things basically take the entire book to be resolved, so there's never much in the way of urgency (though there is a shipboard emergency that's slightly more of a hazard, and a tiny bit of interpersonal conflict). To be fair this is pretty much the recipe as before, with the one major misstep of Ish being able casually to do something that none of the experts has ever managed; but it feels more like filler than the earlier books did, perhaps because the next major development of Ish going to the Academy is constantly dangled in front of the reader (but in fact is going to be largely elided, because at the start of the next book he's just graduated).

Still, these are quick reads and they're fun as an occasional change from a more conventional narrative style.

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Previous in series: Half Share | Series: Golden Age of the Solar Clipper

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