I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved a list search and an unusual sort. (Note that this ends
Task 1: Lucky Integer
You are given an array of integers, @ints
Write a script to find the lucky integer if found otherwise return
. If there are more than one then return the largest.
A lucky integer is an integer that has a frequency in the array
equal to its value.
I got lazy with this. In Perl:
sub luckyinteger($a) {
Build a freqency count.
my %c;
map {$c{$_}++} @{$a};
Get descending-sorted lists of keys and values.
my @c1 = reverse sort values %c;
my @c2 = reverse sort keys %c;
For each value starting with the largest,
foreach my $v1 (@c1) {
For each key starting with the largest,
foreach my $v2 (@c2) {
If the key's lookup equals the value, and the key equals the value,
this is the one we want.
if ($c{$v2} == $v1 && $v1 == $v2) {
return $v2;
return -1;
Would have been better, in retrospect, to pull out only those values
where k == v
and take the largest, but I didn't think of it. Never
mind. Rust's counter
crate is easiest:
use counter::Counter;
fn luckyinteger(a: Vec<usize>) -> i32 {
let c = a.into_iter().collect::<Counter<_>>();
for pair in c.most_common_tiebreaker(|&a, &b| b.cmp(&a)) {
if pair.0 == pair.1 {
return pair.0 as i32;
Task 2: Relative Sort
You are given two list of integers, @list1
and @list2
. The
elements in the @list2
are distinct and also in the @list1
Write a script to sort the elements in the @list1
such that the
relative order of items in @list1
is same as in the @list2
Elements that is missing in @list2
should be placed at the end of
in ascending order.
I used a counter for this one too. Python:
from collections import defaultdict
def relativesort(list1, list2):
Build a frequency count of list1
c = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for n in list1:
c[n] += 1
Set up the output list.
out = []
Push into it a number of copies of the item in list2
equal to its
count in list1
. Remove that item from the counter. (Which is a
reason to use a defaultdict, other than simplifying the counter code;
if the item doesn't appear in list1, the counter value will be zero
and nothing will be added.)
for i in list2:
out.extend([i] * c[i])
del c[i]
What's left is the counts of items in list1
that weren't in list2
Sort them and do the same thing.
d = sorted(c.keys())
for i in d:
out.extend([i] * c[i])
return out
Full code on
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