I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved network analysis and change calculation. (Note that this ends
Task 1: No Connection
You are given a list of routes, @routes
Write a script to find the destination with no further outgoing connection.
I ignore the route aspect entirely here, and simply take the
difference of sets of outging and incoming nodes. Raku:
sub noconnection(@a) {
my %os = Set.new(@a.map({$_[0]}));
my %is = Set.new(@a.map({$_[1]}));
(%is (-) %os)[0]
Task 2: Making Change
Compute the number of ways to make change for given amount in cents.
By using the coins e.g. Penny
, Nickel
, Dime
, Quarter
, in how many distinct ways can the total value equal
to the given amount? Order of coin selection does not matter.
A penny (P) is equal to 1 cent.
A nickel (N) is equal to 5 cents.
A dime (D) is equal to 10 cents.
A quarter (Q) is equal to 25 cents.
A half-dollar (HD) is equal to 50 cents.
Obviously the first step is to make it more generic (thus having a
list of coins—which will need to be in ascending order).
I could have used a search loop, but I've written a lot of those
recently, so instead I built this off cartesian products. It's less
efficient because it iterates all possibilities rather than
short-cutting (e.g. with coins 5, 1 and target value 11, it'll test
two 5s and 2-11 1s rather than bailing out of that branks after
testing a s ingle 1), but it was more amusing to write. (It does break
the PostScript version, mind, with 160,000 stack entries in the third
test case.)
I borrowed cartesian product functions from Rosetta Code and
Stackoverflow for the languages that didn't have them available, or
wrote my own when I felt like it. Perl:
sub cartesianproduct($lists) {
my $sl = scalar @{$lists};
my @c = (0) x $sl;
my @cm = map {scalar @{$lists->[$_]} - 1} (0 .. $sl - 1);
my @out;
my $ex = 0;
while (!$ex) {
my @o;
foreach my $i (0 .. $sl - 1) {
push @o, $lists->[$i][$c[$i]];
push @out, \@o;
my $ss = $sl - 1;
while (1) {
if ($c[$ss] > $cm[$ss]) {
if ($ss == 0) {
$ex = 1;
$c[$ss] = 0;
} else {
return \@out;
sub makingchange($a) {
my @coins = (1, 5, 10, 25, 50);
my @mx = map {int($a / $_)} @coins;
my @pat;
foreach my $i (0 .. $#coins) {
if ($mx[$i] > 0) {
push @pat, [0 .. $mx[$i]];
} else {
my $ct;
foreach my $combo (@{cartesianproduct(\@pat)}) {
my $t = 0;
while (my ($i, $c) = each @{$combo}) {
$t += $c * $coins[$i];
if ($t > $a) {
if ($t == $a) {
return $ct;
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