RogerBW's Blog

Past Lying, Val McDermid 22 October 2024

2023 mystery, seventh in the Karen Pirie series. As COVID restrictions start in Scotland, a researcher at the National Library contacts the Historic Cases Unit with an unfinished manuscript in the papers of a dead writer which shows some remarkable parallels with a real murder.

I haven't read a Pirie, or a McDermid, before, but Alice Violett recommended this to me after my review of The Postscript Murders. Like that book, it's a crime writer writing about the foibles of (invented) crime writers. In this there's an extra level, because the manuscript, by the recently dead Jake Stein, describes in detail a murder a lightly-veiled version of him committed in order to throw the blame on his former protégé who'd surpassed him.

So that's the primary plot. Was Stein's book intended to be a roman-à-clef confession, with the plan aborted by his sudden death? Or was he just taking a ghoulish interest in the case and confabulating based on what he could find out?

Meanwhile Pirie has moved into her lover's luxury flat while he's keeping things going in the Highlands, and there are tensions as they try to do the long-distance thing. Her juniors have their own problems. And the whole thing is being done under contact-limitation rules; for me there's a glorious nostalgia here, to the days when people took COVID seriously and were prepared to make the tiniest effort not to pass it on to everyone they met.

But the body of this is McDermid's enjoyable look into a world she clearly knows well, and if "None of the fictional characters in Past Lying is based in any respect on real writers, living or dead. Cross my heart and hope to die!" then at the very least there are types here that I recognise from other genre writers. There's even a mention of one of my mild concerns, the way some writers just seem to enjoy putting their fictional women in horrible situations a little too much and clearly find an audience in doing so.

Altogether rather splendid, and I shall dive into McDermid's extensive back catalogue.

Karen sighed. ‘I don't know. It's a bit thin. I've got a whole shelf of Chris Brookmyre's books but I don't expect him to pop round and murder me.’

‘That's because he's never met you, boss,’

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See also:
The Postscript Murders, Elly Griffiths

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