I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved list analysis and Luhn's checksum algorithm. (Note that this
ends today.)
Task 1: Double Exist
You are given an array of integers, @ints
Write a script to find if there exist two indices $i and $j such
* 1) $i != $j
* 2) 0 <= ($i, $j) < scalar @ints
* 3) $ints[$i] == 2 * $ints[$j]
Where the language had a built-in combination function (Ruby, Crystal,
Raku) I used it, but althrough I've written combination generators for
the other languages nested loops seemed just as viable.
/doubleexist {
0 dict begin
/a exch def
The default return value is false.
Run the i
index from 0 to the last-but-one element;
0 1 a length 2 sub {
/i exch def
Then the j
index from i+1
to the end. This gives us each pair once.
i 1 a length 1 sub {
/j exch def
Get the pair out of the array, then check for a[i]
being twice a[j]
vice versa. If so, flip the answer to true and exit.
a i get a j get
2 copy
2 mul eq
3 1 roll
exch 2 mul eq or {
pop true
} if
} for
dup {
} if
} for
} bind def
With combinations, in Ruby, it's rather less verbose:
def doubleexist(a)
a.combination(2).each do |i|
if i[0] == 2 * i[1] || i[1] == 2 * i[0]
return true
Task 2: Luhn's Algorithm
You are given a string $str containing digits (and possibly other
characters which can be ignored). The last digit is the payload;
consider it separately. Counting from the right, double the value of
the first, third, etc. of the remaining digits.
For each value now greater than 9, sum its digits.
The correct check digit is that which, added to the sum of all
values, would bring the total mod 10 to zero.
Return true if and only if the payload is equal to the correct check
I decided to do this piecewise as laid out in the specification. There
might be efficiency gains to be had by taking a single pass through
the digit list, amending the value if appropriate, and adding it to a
running sum.
To demonstrate how trivial it is, all my code will ignore non-numeric
characters. I still see web sites today that insist on having, or on
not having, the cosmetic spaces in a credit card or telephone number.
sub luhnalgorithm($a) {
Each digit becomes a list entry.
my @digits = $a.comb.grep(/\d/);
Last digit is the payload; reverse the rest for convenience.
my $payload = @digits.pop;
@digits = @digits.reverse;
Double and if necessary reduce every second digit.
loop (my $i = 0; $i < @digits.elems; $i += 2) {
@digits[$i] *= 2;
if (@digits[$i] > 9) {
@digits[$i] -= 9;
Calculate and verify the checksum.
10 - (@digits.sum % 10) == $payload;
Full code on
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