More gamers at home as the night drew in and a week of anticyclonic
gloom (not to mention the real-world sort) broke in just a few places.
This was mostly with the same people I game with at Thirsty
Meeples, and the genesis of this meeting was back in June when we
played Chariot Race there. The lane change mechanics in particular
reminded me of forgotten classic Rush n'
Crush, so I
had that ready to go.

Generally enjoyed, I think, especially when the two race leaders
self-destructed just short of the finish line leaving #3 to take the
win from a long way behind. Though I really must see about getting
some better (if less thematic) car models.
After a lunch break and Sea Salt &
we moved on to Imperium:
Celts, Romans, Vikings and Magyars, for a very aggressive game. The
Celts (new player) managed a win in the end, though it was fairly
close throughout.

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