I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved tree searches. (Note that this ends today.)
Task 1: Word Break
You are given a string, $str
, and list of words, @words
Write a script to return true
or false
whether the given string can be segmented into a space separated sequence of one or more words from the given list.
I used my standard breadth-first search pattern: given a queue entry
consisting initially of the given string, try each candidate word
against it, and if it's a match put the remainder of the string into
the queue.
sub wordbreak($a, @words) {
Initialise the queue.
my @queue = [$a];
Pull off the first entry.
while @queue.elems > 0 {
my $remnant = @queue.shift;
If it's empty, we have a full match.
if $remnant.chars == 0 {
return True;
Otherwise, try each word and queue the remainder if it's a match.
(Does Raku have an easy way if saying "if the result of this function
is not zero, counting nil
as not zero"? This is more involved than I
feel it should be.)
for @words -> $candidate {
with $remnant.index($candidate) -> $ix {
if $ix == 0 {
@queue.push(substr($remnant, $candidate.chars));
If the queue has become empty, the loop ends, indicating that there's
no match.
Task 2: Jump Game
You are given an array of integers, @ints
Write a script to find the minimum number of jumps to reach the last element. $ints[$i]
represents the maximum length of a forward jump from the index $i
. In case last element is unreachable then return -1
After part 1 was thinking in terms of another BFS, and I wrote that
version first, but this doesn't need the full scaffolding that goes
along with that.
In each scanning pass, here
is the set of locations I've reached in
the previous move (starting with the first entry in the list), and
is populated as the set of locations I could
reach from all of those. So in example 2, I start with
[2, 3, 0, 4]
with only index 0 (value 2) in the here
set. From there I flag up
indices 0 + 1 = 1 to 0 + 2 = 2 as reachable after one move.
On the next pass there
becomes here
and the move count is now 2.
Index 1 flags 1 + 0 = 1 to 1 + 3 = 4; index 2 with a value of 0 flags
nothing. Index 3, the goal, is now flagged, so we return the move
To spot the degenerate case with no solutions, if there
unpopulated at the end of a pass we haven't reached any new locations
and so abandon the attempt.
def jumpgame(a)
Store the goal value.
target = a.size - 1
Initialise move counter and here
moves = 0
here = Set(Int32).new
Loop infinitely.
while true
Increment the move counter and initialise a new empty output set.
moves += 1
there = Set(Int32).new
For each position here
, for each point it can reach, set the value
in there
here.each do |n|
(n+1).upto([n + a[n], target].min).each do |i|
No new points? Goal is unreachable.
if there.size == 0
return -1
Reached the goal? Return the move count.
if there.includes?(target)
return moves
Otherwise set up the next here
and continue.
here = there
Full code on
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