The fifth issue of the GURPS fanzine The Path of Cunning is out.
We're back! And this time we've collected Designer's Notes from
Sean Punch, Phil Masters and Josh Kilburn.
John has written up some reflections on Infinite Cabal, and the end
of Irresponsible and Right; I've got a bit less technical this time
with some notes on the difference between the 18,000+ published pages
of GURPS and what I actually do at the table, but also how I slammed
together GURPS Dungeon Fantasy with Pathfinder to use monsters and
adventures from the latter in a game of the former. Shimmin Beg gave
us a set of traits suited to librarians and library patrons, and some
others which are a bit more specialised.
We're aiming to decrease the interval before #6 even further.
The fifth (and earlier) issues may be downloaded (in PDF, which is
the primary format as far as layout is concerned, and in ePUB, for
convenience in case you want to read on a small screen) from the
fanzine's site.
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