2023 paranormal fantasy novella, first of a series. Bunny Barrington
was trying to make a life having run away from her rich parents. She
didn't expect to become a vampire.
I read the first novel (The Vampire and the Case of the Wayward
Werewolf) before I read this, and it did such a good job of
establishing the backstory that reading the details in this—released
the previous year, perhaps to engage readers' interest in the upcoming
series—became almost unnecessary. All the key bits of knowledge are
given in that later book, and the elements that aren't aren't of
particular importance.
There's some mystery about who paid to have Bunny turned, but that's
clearly the long-term question of the series rather than anything
that's going to be solved here.
I liked the first book because it managed to do something interesting
with what might have been just a clichéd urban fantasy setup. Well,
this is a clichéd urban fantasy setup without enough word count to
break out into the interesting. Alas.
(On the other hand, if you can get this one cheaply, you might use it
as a test to see whether the writing style works for you.)
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