In 2024 I went to fewer conventions but got to play a bit more at home.
I played 67 new games, up again from last year. Overall, I had
465 plays of 377 distinct games, up in both plays and diversity. In
spite of some quite aggressive purging, my collection has expanded to
My Eddington
for games in 2024 (the largest number E such that I have played E
different games at least E times each, also known as an "H factor")
was up to 11; the usual four games I run monthly challenges for
(various iterations of Rallyman plus Sentinels of the Multiverse)
were joined by_Imperium Horizons_, Sea Salt & Paper, Terraforing
Mars: The Dice Game (Essen demos), Kabuto Sumo, Flash Point: Fire
Rescue (Essen demos), Crokinole, Nokosu Dice and Project L.
My overall Eddington number has risen from 22 to 23; one more play of
Firefly, Project L or Sea Salt & Paper and I'll make 24.
I made completed the 52 game
though some of my entries are quite tenuous (e.g. I regard Lemminge
as a spring game).
I went to two Stabcons, and three separate Airecons, and Tabletop
Scotland, and UK Games Expo. Didn't get COVID at any of
them. I'm still the only person I meet who still masks.
And Essen, which was great fun as it always is, though I fear some of
the small publishers who are my real objective there are being priced
out of the venue.
This year's Big New Game for me was Imperium (Classics, Legends,
Horizons). I played Classics a few times when it came out and soured
on it after a Tabletop Simulator game that was too much like hard
work, but I received Horizons as a review copy from Zatu (for whom
I've been blogging)
and that combined with the chance to play face to face has
reinvigorated my interest.
On the small game side, Sea Salt & Paper wormed its way into my
affections after a Board Game Arena play, and of course it's even
better in reality.
My List of Opportunity (games that I own, that aren't up for trade,
but that I have not yet played) at the end of the year:
- Assembly
- Make It Happen (demonstrator freebie)
- Path of Light and Shadow
- Riverside (demonstrator freebie)
- Umbra Via
I still haven't played the Dominion and Breen expansions for Star
Trek: Ascendancy either… in fact I haven't still played the game
since I got them in 2022.
I got in a full game of Leaving Earth with Outer Planets and
Stations. Hurrah!
Kickstarters that arrived:
- Haggis and Tricktakers (on time)
- Forks (six weeks late)
- String Railway (two weeks late)
- Yokai Septed (on time)
Kickstarters still pending from 2023 or earlier:
- Sentinels of the Multiverse: Disparation
No new boardgaming kickstarters hurrah (except for Yokai Septet
that's already delivered).