I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved string searching and sequence analysis. (Note that this ends
Task 1: Ones and Zeroes
You are given an array of binary strings, @str
, and two integers,
and $y
Write a script to return the size of the largest subset of @str
such that there are at most $x
0s and $y
1s in the subset.
A set m is a subset of n if all elements of m are also elements of
That the strings are binary is unimportant; all that matters is how
many of each character they contain. So the first stage is to build up
a list of that; the second is to search all possible combinations to
see which contains most elements and complies with the limits. In
fn onesandzeroes(a: Vec<&str>, zeroes: usize, ones: usize) -> usize {
Build the list of (zeroes, ones) corresponding to the input list.
let mut ax = Vec::new();
for ns in a {
let mut o = 0;
let mut n = 0;
for c in ns.chars() {
match c {
'0' => { o += 1; },
'1' => { n += 1; },
_ => panic!("Bad digit"),
ax.push((o, n));
let mut mx = 0;
Search each possible combination. (Some languages have a combinations
generator that can restrict the number of items searched, but I didn't
bother for this - it's just a bitmask to select all possible
combinations of one or more values from the list.)
for mask in 1 .. (1 << ax.len()) {
let mut o = 0;
let mut n = 0;
let mut ct = 0;
for (i, x) in ax.iter().enumerate() {
If this entry matches the mask, count its ones and zeroes and bail out
if there are too many overall.
if mask & (1 << i) > 0 {
o += x.0;
n += x.1;
ct += 1;
if o > zeroes || n > ones {
If this is a valid combination, re-set the maximum value.
if o <= zeroes && n <= ones {
mx = std::cmp::max(mx, ct);
Task 2: Step by Step
You are given an array of integers, @ints
Write a script to find the minimum positive start value such that
step by step sum is never less than one.
The answer is clearly 1 minus the lowest value the progressive sum
achieves (and at least 1). Raku:
sub stepbystep(@a) {
Set initial minimum value and progressive sum.
my $mv = 0;
my $tot = 0;
Iterate over the sequence, calculating the progressive sum and
latching the lowest value seen.
for @a -> $s {
$tot += $s;
if ($mv > $tot) {
$mv = $tot;
Then turn that into the answer.
1 - $mv;
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