I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved permuting integers and searching lists. (Note that this ends
Task 1: 3-digits Even
You are given a list (3 or more) of positive integers, @ints
Write a script to return all even 3-digits integers that can be
formed using the integers in the given list.
First this needs a concatenation function (for languages that care
about types). But I ended up taking two approaches, depending on
whether the language I used had a partial permutation function
Where it does, here's Crystal as an example:
def concatenate(a)
ax = a.map { |x| x.to_s }
def threedigitseven(a)
Build a set to hold the outputs.
s = Set(Int32).new
Generate all permutation sizes that can produce 3-digit numbers. (No
fewer than one input number, no more than three.)
1.upto(3) do |d|
Generate the partial parmutations of that length.
a.permutations(d).each do |px|
For each one, build and test the concatenated number, and if it's
valid, add it to the output set.
c = concatenate(px)
if c >= 100 && c <= 999 && c % 2 == 0
Then return the sorted output.
But Raku, for example, only generates full permutations. I'll fix that
with a bitmask.
sub threedigitseven(@a) {
Initialise the output set, as above.
my %s = SetHash.new;
Generate a mask that will run from 1 to (for 4 inputs) 0b1111. In
other words, it will go through all possible combinations of inputs.
for 1 ..^ (1 +< @a.elems) -> $mask {
For each mask value, generate the list of selected inputs.
my @pl;
for @a.kv -> $k, $v {
if (1 +< $k +& $mask > 0) {
One could do something with bit-counting here, or test the length so
as not to bother with numbers of inputs more than 3, but I didn't
Permute those selected inputs, and as above test and store the
for @pl.permutations -> @px {
my $c = @px.join('');
if ($c >= 100 && $c <= 999 && $c % 2 == 0) {
[%s.keys.sort({$^a <=> $^b}).map({Int($_)})];
Task 2: Delete and Earn
You are given an array of integers, @ints
Write a script to return the maximum number of points you can earn
by applying the following operation some number of times.
Pick any ints[i] and delete it to earn ints[i] points. Afterwards,
you must delete every element equal to ints[i] - 1 and every element
equal to ints[i] + 1.
This ended up being rather easier. In Rust (with counter
fn deleteandearn(a: Vec<u32>) -> u32 {
We don't care about the order of inputs. Stick them into a counter
let ct = a.into_iter().collect::<Counter<u32>>();
Initialise maximum value and stack.
let mut mx = 0;
let mut stack = Vec::new();
The stack starts with the input data, and an earning value of zero.
This will be a standard depth-first search.
stack.push((ct, 0));
While the stack is not empty, take the top value.
while let Some(c) = stack.pop() {
If there are no inputs left, check the earnings and set the maximum.
if c.0.len() == 0 {
mx = std::cmp::max(mx, c.1);
} else {
Otherwise, iterate over each of the numbers that we might pick for
the next step.
for d in c.0.keys() {
Make a copy of the input, subtract one from that number's count (and
delete it if it's reached zero), and delete the one on each side.
let mut cc = c.0.clone();
cc[&d] -= 1;
if cc[&d] == 0 {
Push on the new count-hash, and earnings so far.
stack.push((cc, c.1 + d));
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