I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved an array mapping and a custom sort. (Note that this ends
Task 1: Binary Prefix
You are given a binary array.
Write a script to return an array of booleans where the partial binary number up to that point is prime.
This is basically a slightly extended mapping. In Rust (which doesn't
have built-in prime finding so I use my own code):
Integer square root. I don't really need this but it feels cleaner.
fn isqrt(s: u32) -> u32 {
if s <= 1 {
return s;
let mut x0 = s / 2;
let mut x1 = (x0 + s / x0) / 2;
while x1 < x0 {
x0 = x1;
x1 = (x0 + s / x0) / 2;
return x0;
Primality tester by reasonably efficient trial division (2, 3, then
6n±1). Uses the isqrt
function to establish an upper bound.
fn is_prime(n: u32) -> bool {
if n == 1 {
return false;
if n>2 && n%2==0 {
return false;
if n>3 && n%3==0 {
return false;
let lim = isqrt(n);
let mut k6 = 0;
loop {
k6 += 6;
for t in [k6 - 1,k6 + 1] {
if t <= lim {
if n % t == 0 {
return false;
} else {
return true;
The actual task is almost trivial: iterate over the input to generate
the current value, test, output.
fn binaryprefix(a: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<bool> {
let mut out = Vec::new();
let mut n = 0;
for x in a {
n *= 2;
if x == 1 {
n += 1;
Task 2: Alien Dictionary
You are given a list of words and alien dictionary character order.
Write a script to sort lexicographically the given list of words based on the alien dictionary characters.
This basically needs a custom sort; my solutions to task 301 part 1
used something similar. I ended up using large integer encoding rather
than a string mapping, because these are all fairly short strings and
because it amused me; to do it "properly" I'd map each string with a
lexicographic encoding. Anyway, Raku:
sub aliendictionary(@a, @dc) {
Get the maximum input string length.
my $mxl = @a.map({$_.chars}).max;
Build the table of letter values (1 to 26; 0 is reserved for "no
letter in this position").
my %dh;
for @dc.kv -> $i, $c {
%dh{$c} = $i + 1;
my @b = @a;
Build the list of numeric encodings. Letter bu letter, add the
letter's value (or 0 once we're off the end of the strhing).
my %numerics;
for @b -> $w {
my $n = 0;
my @cc = $w.comb;
for 0 ..^ $mxl -> $i {
$n *= 27;
if ($i < $w.chars) {
$n += %dh{@cc[$i]};
%numerics{$w} = $n;
Then sort using that encoding list.
@b = @b.sort({ %numerics{$^a} <=> %numerics{$^b} });
return @b;
Here's the "proper" version in Raku as a proof of concept. It builds
the sort keys by sorting the given keys, then assigns them in order to
a lexical map.
sub aliendictionary(@a, @dc) {
my $mxl = @a.map({$_.chars}).max;
my %dh;
my @lx = @dc.sort;
for @dc.kv -> $i, $c {
%dh{$c} = @lx[$i];
my @b = @a;
my %lex;
for @b -> $w {
%lex{$w} = $w.comb.map({%dh{$_}}).join("");
@b = @b.sort({ %lex{$^a} cmp %lex{$^b} });
return @b;
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