While visiting friends on Plymouth, we went to Twist, the local
boardgame café.
We had nothing planned, so took turns to see what we could find
on the shelves, and we began with
new edition, with a plastic dispenser rather than the original
cardboard. Good fun and not too demanding as we negotiated food, beer,
and so on.

Then on to two plays of ALIEN: Fate of the
which I'd played once before with a variant. It felt very arbitrary:
sometimes the (players + 1) mini-missions you have to complete line up
so that you can combine them, sometimes not. We lost comprehensively
the first time out; on the second play, we put a lot more effort into
making devices, and succeeded with one point of morale left.

Morale is a bit odd; it's a sort of joint hit point track, but it
doesn't really seem to reflect anything in the emulated narrative,
compared with "you have been eaten". Yeah, I know, player elimination
is bad…

Finally, and with no photography, Just
One. I've had
one perfect game of this (with people I didn't know well); with these
friends, we managed ten out of thirteen, and two of the failures were
mine. (Well, one of them was all players giving the exact same clue so
that I ended up with nothing…)