2023 paranormal fantasy, first novel of a nine-book series. Lorelei
Clay is returning to small-town America, but the ghosts still won't
leave her alone.
There's a lot of series setup here, in particular the
introduction of many people who are clearly going to be recurring
characters (local werewolves, vampires, etc.; this is a gallimaufry of
a setting). Lorelei herself can see and hear ghosts, but she isn't
just a medium; the nature of her powers is clearly something that's
going to be dragged out over the series (my money's on minor goddess
of death and dreams). Although there are several hot guys about, she
really isn't interested in relationships (though I'm pretty sure I can
guess how that'll come out too). Indeed, at the start of the book
she's been in town six months and made almost no contacts, by choice;
but that of course is going to change.
She's also refurbishing a Gilded Age folly, and ends up agreeing to
look for someone's missing sister in return for computer help. That of
course leads to her having to talk to people, which leads to the
aforementioned introductions.
Is this Great Stuff to be praised to the skies? Absolutely not. But it
is trying to be a bit more interesting than rote urban fantasy sexy
werewolves and vampires, even if the heroine is still the Most Speshul
Supernatural Being Ever. This is the closest I've got to the Ilona
Andrews feel so far. I'll carry on with the series for now.
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