RogerBW's Blog

Airecon in 2025 24 March 2025

My eighth Airecon, and the event's tenth anniversary. With images; cc-by-sa on everything.

I stayed in a new hotel this time, the Inn on Cheltenham Parade, which is about ten rooms above a Timothy Taylor's pub.

I had a smoking balcony.

The breakfasts were good too. (Not buffet, but delicious.)

As for the games, we started with PUSH

and then moved on to Tobago with the Volcano.

I fell into a burning ring of fire…

Poutine, the first of several.

It was very clear that the venue was trying to bolster the profits of its own horrible food vendors: they'd refused permission for half the usual food trucks (including the pizza vendor that was the only one to stay open till official closing time in previous years), they'd moved them from the feeder road to a remote hall (and then required them to carry everything from a car park rather than driving in to unload, and failed to provide adequate power)… and they shut that feeder road on spurious safety grounds, so that everyone who wanted food had to take a long and complex route up and down several flights of stairs. Which they did anyway, because the in-house alternative was just ghastly.

Look, guys, this is Harrogate. If I want an expensive sandwich I can walk outside and get one, and it'll actually be a good one, not your generic pre-pack that a supermarket would be ashamed to charge half the price for. Your bag searches were always pointless, and now they're explicitly for food and drink. Your job is to provide a venue and charge enough for it to make a profit, not to charge a cheap headline rate and then hope to make it up from monopoly prices for sub-British-Rail-grade food. Everybody can see what you're doing, and it makes you explicitly the enemy.

Anyway, back to the games, with Courtisans (I did terribly)…

New to me, Skull Queen: your four pirates are moved up and down the score track based on the highest card played in a trick, but can fall off the end and score you nothing. I enjoyed it at the time, but not as much in retrospect.

Tinderblox Sunset in which there was so much fumbling on the first turns that the last player nearly won without having to do anything.

And Faraway, definitely not one of my better plays.

On in the morning to Sea Salt & Paper and That's Not a Hat, a memory game. (I suspect the correct mental model is two overlapping cycles, the left-passing and the right-passing cards, but when a card is replaced it might jump from one group to the other. Not really to my taste, though.)

A new to me push your luck game, Flip 7, which I may well buy at some point.

Then Zoo Vadis, which is probably the great game everyone says it is but somehow it doesn't quite catch me. If there were an initial market rate for favours to give a guide price, would I like it better? Hard to say.

On to Charcuterie: The Board Game, in which you're drafting food items and trying to build specific combinations of them, with constraints on how they fit. Fun, but I don't think I'd buy it. (Also in my life crackers and dips aren't charcuterie, but apparently this is US usage.)

More Tinderblox Sunset, played very slightly more competently this time.

A larger game, Rock Hard: 1977, a little slow with five players but still good fun. I continued my streak of doing terribly.

Since we'd got to four players, a round of Yokai Septet, which ended with a tiebreak.

A couple of rounds of Landmarks (in which I was the only person other than the cluegiver to know what Wattpad is).

More PUSH.

And then the first of several games of Imperium: Horizons,

To finish the evening, Roll to the Top!.

After more Sea Salt & Paper in the morning, we moved on to Steampunk Rally Fusion: Atomic Edition, which is having a bit of a renaissance in my gaming life.

Several games of Compile: Main 1 through the day between other things. Not loving it yet, but definitely liking it.

More Imperium: Horizons. The Great Beetle eats the sun!

Xylotar, a trick-taker in which you don't get to see the value of cards in your hand, just get a hint from their position. Looking forward to trying this again.

And one last game of Imperium: Horizons (with the Cultists—who are very strange, and I want to play them myself).

I love this convention, but the venue is clearly trying to put the pressure on for more money now that the show is too large to move easily.

[Buy PUSH at Amazon] [Buy Tobago at Amazon] [Buy Courtisans at Amazon] [Buy Tinderblox at Amazon] [Buy Faraway at Amazon] [Buy Sea Salt & Paper at Amazon] [Buy That's Not a Hat at Amazon] [Buy Charcuterie: The Board Game at Amazon] [Buy Rock Hard 1977 at Amazon] [Buy Imperium Horizons at Amazon] [Buy Steampunk Rally Fusion at Amazon] [Buy Compile: Main 1 at Amazon] and help support the blog. ["As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases."]

  1. Posted by John P at 10:19pm on 24 March 2025

    Are you doing terribly at Rock Hard? You won the one at Stabcon by a good stretch as I recall. :-)

  2. Posted by RogerBW at 11:18am on 25 March 2025

    I have been recently. I was definitely playing poorly at Airecon—I lost that first Imperium game to a new player. (Granted, she was very good and picked things up fast. She ran away with Rock Hard in spite of having to leave before the last turn. Hi Ruth!)

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