RogerBW's Blog

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace 01 March 2025

2011 documentary in three episodes. Adam Curtis is very keen that you should agree with him.

I found this series very disconcerting; I've heard many people talk about Adam Curtis as a bold documentary-maker, but what I got was disorientation and emotion-blasting rather than information. All right, the form is intrinsically a superficial one: when you're covering a field this wide in only three hours, you can't stop to explain anything, just go on to the next bit of spectacle. But maybe that should be a reason to choose a narrower field?

Anyway, I mentally subtitled episode 1 "Ayn Rand, cult leader". And this is simply propaganda, and I abreact to propaganda even when I agree with the cause in which it's being made; if all you can do is shout and lie like the bad guys, how can you claim that your side is any better than theirs?

Of course, "rationality" is a fine tool for self-deception: tell yourself you're doing the rational thing (or what the cult leader told you was the rational thing) and all your questions about the world are answered. Why should I leave my husband so that the Boss can have him instead? She said it was rational! Yes, of course it's hard work to decide for yourself what the right thing to do is, particularly in a world more complicated than the one in which major religions were founded. But that doesn't mean that the first plausible-sounding salesman you meet has all the answers…

I feel that it might have been worth mentioning that every single time someone has started a "Galt's Gulch" project in the real world their intentions have been strictly fraudulent.

But with the constant jumping from subject to subject and time to time it's very hard to work out what sort of coherent argument might be being made. If any.

Episode 2 is, in my head, "equilibrium". Yeah, I have a biology/medicine background so I already know that the natural equilibrium really isn't a thing. Curtis wants you to believe that biologists still don't know that. Yes, it's very easy to fall into the illusion of nature as a purposeful system, but this is basically the same problem as seeing correlations and assuming that God did it.

The shameful roots of the original ecology movement are used to make the entire field of study sound completely worthless. Did an ecologist take Curtis's lunch money? The whole thing drifts into right-wing paranoia: I don't care about your worries about the planet, you can't take away my right to slog for an hour through carbon monoxide fumes! Yes, I understand Curtis is scared of communist-flavoured totalitarianism (as Rand was with rather more reason), but even in 2011 we had some idea of what pathological individualism could do. (And some communes worked better than the carefully picked examples. Some still do.)

So how do you plan to grow infinitely in a finite space? (There's not even any mention of space development here.)

Episode 3 is "Idiots": some self-proclaimed experts have been wrong, therefore nobody who claims to know anything can ever be right. Good thing Curtis doesn't claim to know anything, eh, dear viewer?

This is populist garbage, delivered in a quick fire style with a non-stop parade of images in the hope that the viewer won't notice. It was hard work to watch and I can't recommend it.

Here (YouTube) is a fine video spoofing the technique.

I talk about this further on Ribbon of Memes.

  1. Posted by DrBob at 07:21pm on 02 March 2025

    I think this was the series where my mate L was 'thusing about it. The pattern went:

    Episode 1 airs - "This is great! Everyone should watch it!" Episode 2 airs - "This is great! Everyone should watch it!" Episode 3 airs - "This is...OMG! They've just shown footage of my Dad! And called him a Nazi!"

    His Dad was the German rocket scientist with his own private island.

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