RogerBW's Blog

The Third Man (1949) 07 March 2025

1949 drama, dir. Carol Reed, Joseph Cotten, Orson Welles IMDb / allmovie. The innocent arrives in post-war Vienna to accept a job with a friend…

There's a certain feeling of Cabaret here, though since I Am a Camera wouldn't be written for another two years the influence if any must go the other way. Holly Martin sees himself as the romantic hero; everyone else quickly works out that he's just everyone's patsy. But this is a Graham Greene story, so adultery and guilt will always be important considerations.

Joseph Cotten had been a frankly unconvincing romantic hero in the remake of Gaslight, but he's rather better here as the innocent abroad. I'm also impressed by some minor roles: Bernard Lee (the future cinematic "M") as a sergeant who knows exactly what's going on and how much trouble a careful punch in the right place can save (if anything, this was the sort of role he was typecast in at the time); and I also rather like Trevor Howard as Calloway, the straight copper who turns out to be exactly what he says he is. Meanwhile Alida Valli's Anna Schmidt knows perfectly well how this is going to go, but even she perhaps allows herself to be briefly seduced by Martin's straight-on approach to every problem.

And then there's Orson Welles, still at this point able to hide his girth with a sympathetic camera and wardrobe department. Most of the posters make it look as though he has the leading role, but he really doesn't, and that's rather the point; his influence is because the world has people like him in it, so everyone has to second-guess everyone else, much more than from what he actually does.

Of course there's plenty of loving camera work of Vienna, including what would become nearly as clichéd a shot as the Eiffel Tower, the Wiener Riesenrad (built in 1897, burned down in 1944, rebuilt and reopened in 1947). It's a jolly convenient way of isolating characters while still letting them see the world below…

The cinematography is very fine throughout, gradually increasing the Dutch angles and looming shadows as stress rises (the whole film does an excellent job of the building and release of tension). Locations help too, especially the lovely tall apartment rooms like the ones in The Maltese Falcon. And finally how to make a sewer look interesting on film: never mind the narrow straight passages, make it three-dimensional!

There were two spinoffs, a radio series with Welles and a TV series with Michael Rennie that ran for five seasons. Perhaps inevitably, they centre Lime, and make him the sort of cheerful adventurous hero that fits the image that he tries to project, and that he might even genuinely believe suits him.

I talk about this film further on Ribbon of Memes.

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