I’ve been doing the Weekly
Challenges. The
involved set intersections and a complex sort. (Note that this ends
Task 1: Arrays Intersection
You are given a list of array of integers.
Write a script to return the common elements in all the arrays.
Sets seem like the obvious tool for this job.
def arraysintersection(a: List[List[Int]]): List[Int] = {
Set up the set of members in the first list.
var s = a(0).toSet
For each later list,
for (b <- a.drop(1)) {
intersect that set with the new list.
s = s & b.toSet
Then produce a list of the remaining members.
s.toList.sortWith(_ < _)
(Strictly speaking I don't need to skip the first list in the
iteration, since a set intersected with itself is itself, but it's
inefficient and irks my aesthetic sense.)
Task 2:
You are given an array of integers.
Write a script to sort odd index elements in decreasing order and even index elements in increasing order in the given array.
sub sortoddeven(@a) {
Set up the sublists.
my @odds;
my @evens;
Iterate through the input, breaking out the sublist entries.
for @a.kv -> $i, $x {
if ($i % 2 == 0) {
} else {
Sort the sublists.
@evens = @evens.sort({$^a <=> $^b});
@odds = @odds.sort({$^b <=> $^a});
Set up the output.
my @out;
Iterate up to the higher list length.
for 0 .. max(@evens.end, @odds.end) -> $i {
For each sublist in turn, if we haven't exceeded its length, add its
next entry.
if ($i <= @evens.end) {
if ($i <= @odds.end) {
In some languages I'd natively use double-ended queues, or
interleaving primitives, but this seemed clear and easily portable.
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