Over the weekend I went to the Worldcon, at ExCel in Docklands. With
images; cc-by-sa on
I've hated ExCel on previous visits, and I don't like it any
better now. I've always felt that a convention works best when it's
slightly too big for the venue: then it's an important part of the
venue's business, and has a bit of clout. (The first Worldcon I went
to was ConAdian in Winnipeg, in 1994; it was the biggest thing to hit
Winnipeg all year, and everyone in the town loved us.) To ExCel, a
ten-thousand-person event is something to squeeze into one end of the
venue while a proper event is going on at the far end (which was
cancelled, as it happened, which certainly helped). So obviously they
don't really care very much about what the people at that specific
event want: they just apply the "generic large event" template. Cheap
food? Rooms of different sizes? Ahahaha, sir is of course joking.
The air conditioning was grossly inadequate to the task of dealing
with convection, with some people feeling cold on the lowest level
(for me it was just barely cool enough) and everyone roasting on the
top level where the panels were. The majority of the panels were in
40-person rooms, with attendance limits strictly enforced; obviously
it's impossible to work out in advance which panels will be popular,
but the constant refrain through the weekend was from people who
couldn't get into the things they'd wanted to see. Perhaps fewer
panels in larger rooms would have worked better?
A mere fiver for a baked potato can only be passed off as "London
prices" so many times before I start pointing out the real food you
can get in London, some of it
not even very far away.

The "fan village": convention desks, gaming, and other activities. The
tents helped to break things up a bit and make the space feel less
like the huge echoing cavern that it is.

The exhibit hall, visible at the back of the previous photos. This was
a composite of the usual dealers' room and a general space for people
to exhibit whatever they felt like; some were tables with people
behind them, others were just static presentations. By my experience
of Worldcon dealers' rooms it felt remarkably sparse, but it's been
more than a decade since I went to one, and things change.

Huge games in the games tent: Pandemic and Ticket to Ride. (Firefly
didn't need a huge variant.)

The Diana Wynne Jones memorial bench.

Old Hugos.

Skylon, still trying to drum up interest but with no actual news.

The British Interplanetary Society, sounding more and more like a
bunch of old men wondering how it all went so wrong.

See, it really does travel in time! Apparently lots of people wanted
to be photographed next to a Real TARDIS.

The one panel I got to, with
MaryAnn Johanson, C. Robert
Cargill, and others talking about the continung trend for remakes,
sequels and reinventions. Cargill reckons that we're about to see a
change in trend towards more "realistic" films much as happened in the
late 1980s. We'll see; the studios are trying hard to set up a money
treadmill with superhero and other franchises that are meant to last

In spite of the cycling infrastructure, which is actually moderately
good round Docklands (I used to cycle down to City Airport on a whim),
not many people turned up by bike. Hey ho.

Along with what seemed like everyone else there, I now have
a drone (smart move with the deep
discount, guys). That will get its own post tomorrow.
And of course the
were awarded.
Novel: hurrah. I know some people who preferred the Stross but I don't
think anyone regarded the
Leckie as an
unworthy nominee. (Wheel of Time ahead of Correia? Wow. Really need to
close that loophole.)
Novella: best of a
mediocre-to-bad lot, I thought.
Novelette: eh, it didn't
really do anything for me, but not terrible. Faintly surprised Ted
Chiang didn't get it on momentum; he did get second place.
Short Story: if I'd
been betting on a winner this is the one I would have bet on.
Graphic story: good.
Dramatic presentation, long form: also good. Yes, Gravity is
science fiction: it depicts a man-rated American spacecraft.
Dramatic presentation, short form: eh, at least it wasn't Doctor Who.
I know Game of Thrones has lots of currency among Americans in
general, but I'm slightly surprised that the Hugo-voting subset of
Americans didn't go for Doctor Who yet again.
Pro Artist: I'm unimpressed, but apparently twee gets the votes.
Fan Artist: hurrah, and if I'm reading the
detailed results
right a runaway winner.
Campbell: meh. I think
deserved it.
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