Our pond has, apparently spontaneously, generated two goldfish. With
images; cc-by-sa on
Actually, we're told, they probably arrived as eggs on some
waterweed we got in to clear the water a bit; without any other fish
in there to eat them, they got a chance to grow up. They started
fairly tiny last May:

but by August one of them had matured enough to go orange:

and, having made it through the worst of the winter, they're now quite

I've pushed the contrast to make the smaller fish, which is still
black, more visible against the reflections:

(And that is why they don't paint submarines orange.)
The point of getting the free-standing tank, where the original
goldfish now live, was that this pond was prone to leak suddenly, and
we didn't want to have to face a Fish Emergency. Now we have fish in
it again. It hasn't leaked since, crossed fingers…
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