RogerBW's Blog

Some of the Royal Armouries 07 October 2021 - 4 comments

Since I was in Leeds, I went to the Royal Armouries Museum.

Brooklands 13 January 2020 - 5 comments

I went to what's left of Brooklands, near Weybridge.

National Army Museum 29 December 2018 - 10 comments

On a slightly crisp December day, I went to the National Army Museum in Chelsea.

Computers at the V&A 07 November 2018

The Victoria and Albert Museum was having two computer-related exhibitions. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Pomerania is burned 11 May 2018

I had never seen a cockchafer before, and then met two on the same day. One was dead on its back just outside the front door; the second one crashed into me several times while I was in the garden after dark.

West Wycombe Caves 03 May 2018 - 1 comment

The West Wycombe Caves are quite local to me, just on the other side of High Wycombe, and a guest felt like seeing them. They have some historical interest.

Thoughts on an Eastercon: Follycon 05 April 2018 - 4 comments

I spent last weekend at the Eastercon. With images; cc-by-sa on everything.

Loudwater Snowpocalypse (2018 edition) 15 March 2018 - 8 comments

We got our share of the recent snowy weather. (Images.)

It's Mystery Bird time again 15 February 2018 - 2 comments

Yes, once more I've seen a bird I don't recognise.

Museum of London 07 January 2018 - 1 comment

I went to the Museum of London to see a particular exhibition, and stayed to see the rest of it.

Geffrye Museum 31 December 2017 - 1 comment

The Geffrye Museum in Hoxton is about to close down for an extended refurbishment, so I went along to it. As usual, the rooms were decorated for a period Christmas.

Shooting in Loudwater 29 December 2017 - 1 comment

Also known as: why I always carry a camera with me.

Snow in Loudwater 11 December 2017

It snowed for most of the day on Sunday. (Images.)

Midland Air Museum 14 October 2017 - 7 comments

The Midland Air Museum is round the back of Coventry airport, next door to the now-deceased Electric Railway Museum, and I visited it on the same day. It has a strong focus on Armstrong Whitworth and related companies, which had a factory here. All photos are cc-by-sa as usual.

Red Kite perching 12 October 2017

A few days ago a red kite perched on a tree conveniently aligned with my window. All images are cc-by-sa as usual.

Electric Railway Museum final open day 10 October 2017

The Electric Railway Museum is losing its site, and its last open day was last Sunday (8 October 2017). All photos are cc-by-sa as usual.

Fisheye lens 28 September 2017 - 2 comments

Another bit of kit I borrowed recently: an Olympus BCL-0980 fisheye lens.

Extension tubes 13 September 2017 - 1 comment

Thanks to a blog reader, I borrowed some more macro equipment.

Polaroid macro lens set 04 September 2017 - 1 comment

I picked up a cheap set of macro lenses for the GF1.

Finnish Submarine Vesikko 01 September 2017

On Suomenlinna, a complex of islands in the bay of Helsinki, lies the submarine Vesikko. With photographs (all taken on the Lumix GF1): cc-by-sa on everything.

Pyracantha berries on the turn 30 August 2017 - 6 comments

The pyracantha at the front of the house has a fine crop of berries, and they're on the turn.

Favourite pictures from the Finnish trip 26 August 2017

Here are a few of my favourite pictures, taken on the recent trip to Finland.

Military Museum of Finland 24 August 2017

On Suomenlinna, a complex of islands in the bay of Helsinki, lies the Military Museum of Finland. With photographs (all taken on the Lumix GF1): cc-by-sa on everything.

Finnish Air Force Museum 19 August 2017 - 3 comments

Near the Jyväskylä airport at Tikkakoski is the Suomen Ilmavoimamuseo, the museum of the Finnish Air Force. With photographs (all taken on the Lumix GF1): cc-by-sa on everything.

Unknown waterfowl, maybe a young moorhen 29 July 2017 - 1 comment

Can you identify this bird?

Pyracantha in summer 2017 12 June 2017 - 3 comments

In 2013 we planted a pyracantha at the front of the house. Last year it didn't do much. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Street Ducks of High Wycombe 17 May 2017

Some towns just have pigeons and gulls and things. Some towns don't even weigh their mayor each year to see if he's getting fat on the public purse. This is High Wycombe; we do things differently here.

Night Ducks 10 March 2017

I was out late one evening posting a 3D-printed part, and saw some ducks out on the Wye.

Farnborough Air Sciences Trust 03 March 2017 - 2 comments

On a slightly warm February day, to Farnborough to visit the museum on the former site of the Royal Aeronautical Establishment at Farnborough. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Kirkaldy Testing Museum 09 February 2017 - 2 comments

Just off Southwark Street in London is an unexpected piece of industrial history. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Horniman Museum, Forest Hill 10 January 2017 - 1 comment

I'd driven past it many times when living in Lee Green, but had never been inside; over Christmas I remedied this. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Where Brands Meet People 18 September 2016 - 4 comments

I'm not fond of ClearChannel; I'm already inclined to regard it as a fairly vile mob because (a) it's an advertising firm and (b) it systematically destroyed non-top-40 music radio in the USA so as to maximise advertising revenue. But it's reached a new low.

Lens-cap holder 28 June 2016 - 5 comments

I've designed a lens cap holder for my Lumix GF1. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Rebellion Open Evening, 10 May 12 May 2016

The local pub organised a trip to a public evening at the Rebellion Brewery in Marlow Bottom. (Images follow; all are cc-by-sa.)

Culham Centre for Fusion Energy 08 May 2016 - 1 comment

Several right-minded people went to Culham, on one of their rare open days, to visit the Joint European Torus and the Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak (which should really be called a Sphekamak but never mind). (Images follow; all are cc-by-sa.)

Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester 20 April 2016 - 5 comments

Also over Easter, I went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

IWM North 30 March 2016 - 3 comments

As I was in Manchester over Easter, I visited the IWM North, the only one of the five IWM sites I hadn't been to. It was a bit of a disappointment. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Wallace Collection 2015 29 February 2016

Shortly after Christmas I went to the Wallace Collection for the first time. I could spend days there. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Be(aver) My Valentine at the Beavertown Brewery 16 February 2016

On Saturday I went to the fourth birthday party of the Beavertown Brewery in Tottenham Hale. (Images follow; all are cc-by-sa.)

More from the Science Museum 21 January 2016 - 2 comments

More from the Science Museum last Boxing Day Bank Holiday. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Cosmonauts at the Science Museum 29 December 2015 - 4 comments

Since yesterday was the Boxing Day Bank Holiday, I went to the Science Museum for their Cosmonauts exhibition. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything. (I'd been told photography was prohibited, but there were no signs and nobody tried to stop me. I didn't use flash, which may have helped.)

Pink Sky At Night 06 November 2015 - 1 comment

Yesterday, within a minute after local sunset, the sky went pink.

Clapham South Deep Shelter 19 October 2015 - 2 comments

On Sunday I visited the Clapham South deep-level shelter. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Pyracantha 09 October 2015 - 1 comment

A couple of years ago we planted a pyracantha at the front of the house. Until this year it hadn't put on much of a show, though it had become pleasingly spiky. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Total Lunar Eclipse, September 2015 29 September 2015 - 2 comments

I hadn't particularly planned to stay up for this, but then I noticed that the next total lunar eclipse isn't due for a while.

View from the Road (summer 2015) 22 July 2015 - 4 comments

A miscellany of interesting things seen while driving across Europe in late June. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Architecture of Mariehamn 18 July 2015

While we were in Mariehamn, Mia Åkerfelt, a PhD who specialises in the history of architecture, conducted a walking tour showing off the history of the town. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Alands Maritime Museum and Pommern 12 July 2015

Strictly speaking, the Ålands Sjöfartsmuseum. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Wildlife of Scandiwegia, summer 2015 08 July 2015 - 2 comments

Various wildlife spotted on the Finnish holiday. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Peacock Butterfly 16 April 2015

I've seen these around from time to time, but finally managed to get a decent picture. With images; cc-by-sa on everything.

Have You Seen This Bird? 08 April 2015 - 5 comments

We have a new visitor to our bird-stand. With images; cc-by-sa on everything.

Thoughts on an Eastercon: Dysprosium 07 April 2015 - 1 comment

I spent some of last weekend at the Eastercon. With images; cc-by-sa on everything.

Gypsy Fish 31 March 2015 - 2 comments

Our pond has, apparently spontaneously, generated two goldfish. With images; cc-by-sa on everything.

Camden Town Brewery again 27 March 2015

Last night I was out in London at the Camden Town Brewery. (Images follow; all are cc-by-sa.)

Wedding Anniversary Barbecue 2015 22 March 2015 - 2 comments

A barbecue on a chilly spring day. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Shopping in Wycombe 17 January 2015 - 8 comments

I do very little shopping in person these days, and it's mostly in supermarkets. But yesterday I went to get a periodic eye test, so I thought I'd wander around our local shopping centre, "one of the top fifty shopping destinations in England". All images are cc-by-sa.

Drone on the playing fields 02 October 2014 - 2 comments

I took the drone out to the local playing fields to try for some longer-range shots. This turned out to be much more challenging than the close-up stuff. With images; cc-by-sa on everything.

Another Walk at Goring (September 2014) 29 September 2014 - 2 comments

We went back to Goring on Sunday, and things had changed quite a bit since our walk in May. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Red Kites perching 28 August 2014

I was watching some magpies squabbling, in a tree half-way down the road, when something amazing happened. Large image follows: cc-by-sa on everything.

Boom Today: Didcot Southern Cooling Tower Demolition 27 July 2014 - 3 comments

Too early this morning, I went to Wittenham to watch the demolition of the southern cooling towers at Didcot. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

A Walk at Goring (May 2014) 29 May 2014 - 4 comments

Last Sunday, we went for a walk on the Thames Path near Goring. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Juvenile bluetits 26 May 2014 - 2 comments

A flock of young bluetits has found our bird-feeder. I have my suspicions about where they nest, but I'm not going to risk disturbing them by finding out. Large images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

Camden Town Brewery Tour, May 2014 12 May 2014 - 3 comments

Last Saturday I went with some friends to tour the Camden Town Brewery. (Images follow; all are cc-by-sa.)

A Walk in the Woods (May 2014) 04 May 2014 - 3 comments

Yesterday was sunny, and we went for a walk in one of the local woods. (Images follow.)

Floods at Marlow, One Month Later 11 February 2014 - 6 comments

More panic and despondency in Marlow. The waters today were higher than on either of our previous visits.

Floods at Marlow, One Week Later 18 January 2014

Since we happened to be in Marlow again today, we thought we'd see how things were getting on. The water seemed generally to be between nine inches and a foot lower than last week.

Hail in Loudwater 16 January 2014

Had a five-minute hailstorm just before noon today.

Floods at Marlow 12 January 2014 - 1 comment

My wife heard about the flooding at Marlow, and we thought we'd go to see what we could see. Several of the houses along the waterfront were inaccessible by foot, though I didn't see any water actually above door-sills. While I wasn't feeling in a particularly journalistic mood, I took a few pictures with my phone.

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