Back to the boardgame café. With
images; cc-by-sa on
But first, a sudden kickstarter:

Looks interesting if a bit on the light side; hex tiles aren't as
common as I'd like. Not currently projected to reach its goal:
First game of the evening was
Jane Austen's Matchmaker,
as distinct from Marrying My Darcy that some of us played at the
January Stabcon. I though there was a lot of potential here, but the
rules were rather buggy, with one strategy clearly being favoured. I
think there's the core of a much better game in here, quite possibly
using the same components.

I hadn't played
Small World
for years, and we gave this a go next. I opened with Ghouls, went on
with Tritons and finished with Ratmen; this seemed to work fairly
well, though the Halfling Maginot Line prevented a lot of potential
late scoring. Looking at it with my modern game head on, I suspect
rattling through races relatively fast makes sense: one big expansion
turn, one small expansion, and one decline, perhaps.

We finished with
Saboteur, which I
enjoyed more than last time I played it. It's a bit odd as a
three-hander, with only one saboteur (potentially none at all), and I
still dislike the random scoring mechanic, but it works even so.

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