RogerBW's Blog

View from the Road (summer 2015) 22 July 2015

A miscellany of interesting things seen while driving across Europe in late June. Images follow: cc-by-sa on everything.

All right, not strictly from the road. The nuclear power station at Gravelines, as we were pulling into Dunkerque harbour, after a dull crossing.

The Köhlbrandbrücke in Hamburg and its lovely swooping approach.

Cranes in Hamburg (Container Terminal Eurogate).

No four-legged ducks allowed in this hotel!

But you may scrape your boots on the frog.

Approaching the Storebæltsbroen, which links the islands of Sjælland (Zealand) and Fyn (Funen) within Denmark. Yes, the sky really does go those colours.

The "main" (eastern) bridge, and the island of Sprogø (now a nature reserve).

On the eastern bridge.

Strange chocolate bars in Sweden. ("Tarragona"?)

A public fountain in Helsingborg.

Helsingborg town hall.

Aircraft by the side of the road (at Linköping, which includes a major Saab plant).

Lowering skies over the docks at Stockholm.

Early (late 1920s) Finnish tourism posters.

From the hotel window: the northern docks in Stockholm.

Looking up inside the hotel. That spiral stair went twenty floors up.

A passing container ship, seen from the ferry. Where is she now?

A Finnish sailor having altogether too much fun.

Sculpture in Mariehamn.

The boulevard on the main street (Storgatan), in the Russian style.

  1. Posted by Ashley R Pollard at 04:44pm on 22 July 2015

    I like the Saab Viggen and Draken pictures.

  2. Posted by RogerBW at 10:04am on 23 July 2015

    I've always had a soft spot for the Draken; unusually-shaped aircraft appeal to me. (I gather those shoulders make it "interesting" getting in and out of ground effect, but it's mostly an interceptor anyway).

  3. Posted by John Dallman at 02:10pm on 23 July 2015

    I'll believe Tarragon chocolate in Sweden. Germany has strawberry and green pepper chocolate. It's ... pretty nasty, actually.

  4. Posted by RogerBW at 03:23pm on 23 July 2015

    I have a dim recollection of trying the strawberry and green pepper stuff and quite liking it. But I have an odd set of taste associations.

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