As the snow rolled in towards Wycombe, we had another session at home.
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cc-by-sa on
Leaving Earth
to start with, and the standard hard game, this time with:

- Lunar Survey
- Man in Orbit
- Mars Survey
- Lunar Lander
- Lunar Sample Return
- Venus Lander
- Lunar Station
- Extraterrestrial Life
Although I hired an astronaut quite early on, it soon became apparent
that I could do better with a totally unmanned programme, and so I
didn't bother with re-entry or life support tech, instead working
entirely with probes. I just missed the lunar survey points (by being
sneaky about what I'd found, not thinking anyone else was close to
getting there), but got Lunar Lander and Lunar Sample Return, then set
off for Mars and Venus.
Although my points put me at the end of the play order, I was able to
shave off a year to Mars by going for a fly-by and scoring the survey.

I couldn't manage the same to Venus, but it turned out to be
non-survivable anyway.

After the rest of the solar system was explored, it turned out to be
lifeless, and I scraped a win by two points.

After late lunch,
Steampunk Rally
(the kickstarter edition with metal cogs). I had Lise Meitner with the
naphtha engine (in the library?), and thought I was getting off to a
decent start…

…but ended up at the back of the pack, getting across the line only
because I got a card with bonus movement from all the parts I'd lost.

This is one that works a lot better once you make sense of the
iconography, which is not as clearly explained as it might be. (There
are teaching videos which may help.) That hurdle overcome, it's a nice
liight card game with the race mostly being a way of keeping score. I
think with a couple more plays I might even make some sense of it.
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