As another post-eye-surgery present to myself, I bought the lazy man's
ultimate accessory: spectacles that turn one's field of view through
right angles.
The housing holds a pair of double-reflecting prisms, so that the
view through the glasses as one lies on one's back looking staight up
is towards one's feet.

This is helpful if one's spending time in bed while awake; when I had
brucellosis some years ago they'd have been tremendously useful.
They're rather less so now, but they do provide a different posture
for reading in bed.

The only thing really wrong with them is that the glass isn't the
best, and they absorb and distort enough of the light that they're not
well suited for reading in the dimmish light I usually prefer – though
under a bright light there's no problem. The field of vision is also
quite narrow. They do however work very well with a laptop resting on
one's torso.

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