RogerBW's Blog

Dymo label printers 02 November 2022

I now have three Dymo label printers, each ideal for its task. But some care is needed in buying them.

Way of the Pouch 19 June 2022 - 9 comments

I've changed the way I carry things around with me, to a flexible system for attaching pouches.

More of the AdvancedCut 25 April 2021

Yes, I've been playing with the chainsaw again.

Bosch AdvancedCut 18 12 July 2020 - 5 comments

Now I have a chainsaw. They'll sell them to anybody

Brother HL-L6300DW laser printer 03 March 2020 - 3 comments

My old laser printer, a Brother HL-5270DN which I've been running since 2006, was getting mechanically unreliable. They don't make it any more, so I looked for the nearest equivalent. Almost. I wanted a paper tray that would take a whole ream at a time.

Healthy Back Bags 09 September 2018

A friend introduced my wife to Healthy Back Bags, and we're both rather impressed with them.

Packing Cubes 21 July 2018

On a recent ten-day European trip, I tried out packing cubes for the first time, and my impression is highly favourable.

Karcher K7 Pressure Washer 03 August 2017 - 4 comments

I never felt a need for a pressure washer before I moved here; but we have substantial areas of paved outdoor space, and they need to be kept clear of weeds and general grot.

Tascam DR-40 24 May 2016 - 2 comments

The Tascam DR-40 is a four-track digital recorder that I'm using for podcasting and game session recording.

Leatherman Surge 30 April 2016

I've carried a SOG Powerlock II for years, but it was getting old and tired. This replaced it as my main belt tool.

Prism Glasses 16 April 2016

As another post-eye-surgery present to myself, I bought the lazy man's ultimate accessory: spectacles that turn one's field of view through right angles.

Ubiquiti Unifi AP 03 April 2016 - 1 comment

This is simply the best wireless access point I have used.

Optivisor 22 March 2016 - 4 comments

I treated myself to an Optivisor after my eye surgery last year, since now I can't take advantage of myopia to get in within an inch or two of small things that I'm working on. It's effectively a pair of magnifying lenses on a convenient head-mount.

Anker SATA dock 09 March 2016 - 4 comments

I've had a general-purpose IDE/SATA connector for a few years, but it runs into a 2TB limit with modern large drives.

Vernier Caliper 05 March 2016 - 2 comments

Since I've started making things with the 3d printer, I've found the need for measurement more accurate than a ruler or a tape measure can provide, particularly of non-cuboid shapes.

Stapleless Staplers 06 February 2016

As a role-player I often produce character sheets, which can run to three or six sides. I want to fasten them together, but I also don't want to dump metal staples into the paper recycling bin or the shredder, or to take the time to remove them.

Gazebo Lights 27 January 2016 - 1 comment

When we had the gazebo roof reconstructed, I cut down the old LED light strings as they were starting to fail and there wasn't really room for them in the new configuration. Now I have a new lighting arrangement.

Kickstarter Watch: shiny dice and others 02 December 2015

Because there is no such thing as "enough dice". (And some other stuff.)

Hyperdog 4-ball launcher 08 September 2015 - 4 comments

I recently bought a tennis-ball catapult, for the benefit of a visiting dog. It's not as good as I'd hoped.

Kuru Toga Roulette 17 July 2014 - 3 comments

Since I bought one in 2012, the Kuru Toga Roulette has become my absolute favourite writing tool ever.

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