This is part of an ongoing series about the preparations I've made to
run Mongoose's revised edition of the Bayern campaign for 2300AD.
Spoilers for Plot Point 2.
Like "Message Drone", there's not necessarily a lot for
Entdecker's crew to do here, though doubtless _Bayern's) engineering
crew will welcome help from a stutterwarp expert.
All the subcraft are docked, and I feel the best way to take advantage
of this is to use Entdecker's airlock steriliser at low power to
produce interference.
I plumped for the AGRA-Affected saboteur template, and they were
pretty much revealed here as the personality overlay was not at all
stable. (Also I didn't want to overdo the paranoia and "one of our
friends is working against us" aspect of things.) With sufficient
evidence, even the most egotistical scientist should be convinced that
they're acting oddly and have no memory of it. The overlay is
terrified of the AGRA encounter, but doesn't want to destroy Bayern:
they may actually help matters, by "remembering" a drive explosion
thanks to minor calibration errors, even as they're trying to make the
calibration worse in the hope of delaying the mission.
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