I continue to design boardgame accessories for 3D printing; these two are for Splendor and Cosmic Encounter. Images are cc-by-sa by RogerBW unless otherwise specified.
The various markers in Flash Point Fire Rescue work pretty well, but they're a bit dull and cardboard. Well, they can't help it, poor things. Here's a replacement.
I wanted to improve the experience of playing Surburbia, so I designed some organisational aids.
Welcome to the Dungeon is an enjoyable short game that's hard to store effectively. I decided to improve this.
As will have become apparent, I'm a big fan of Joe Fatula's boardgame Leaving Earth. The thing that's most fiddly, though, is money: you reset your funds to a standard level at the start of each turn, which means lots of passing paper banknotes back and forth.
I've designed a lens cap holder for my Lumix GF1. There are many like it, but this one is mine.