RogerBW's Blog

Floods at Marlow 12 January 2014

My wife heard about the flooding at Marlow, and we thought we'd go to see what we could see. Several of the houses along the waterfront were inaccessible by foot, though I didn't see any water actually above door-sills. While I wasn't feeling in a particularly journalistic mood, I took a few pictures with my phone.

All images are cc-by-sa.

Marlow Lock

This is the upper gate of Marlow Lock. The water level in the lock itself was as high as it could get without actually flooding the grass banks (and was level with the water below); the water level upstream was a good few feet higher than that. The weir itself only had a drop of about two or three feet. (Normally the upstream water is about three feet lower, and the downstream water is six or seven feet lower.)

Below the Lock

Below the Lock, this was the view of the back of the terribly expensive and rather nasty development of houses and flats. The white thing at about half-past nine is the top of a garden bench; we speculated that the disturbance in the water to the right of it might come from a garden fountain that was still running below water level. (Once the floods have cleared up a bit, we may go back and see what it was.)

Towpath upstream of Bridge

This is the towpath, just upstream of Marlow Bridge (indeed, looking down from the bridge). The river was moving very fast, but those white ornamental railings are just a ground-level fence that one could easily step over.


I'm not sure what those children were up to in the park. Sploshing around in the mud, I do devoutly hope.

Park Gate

See also:
Floods at Marlow, One Week Later
Floods at Marlow, One Month Later

  1. Posted by Chris Bell at 02:15pm on 15 January 2014

    This was the morning after Marlow was in the national news, and the water had probably receded a bit.

    While we were in the not-quite-flooded graveyard looking at the river flowing past at high speed as well as high level, a man who lives in Marlow said that he had seen it as high three or four times during the past thirty years. I felt this ought to be put in as a comment on suggestions I have heard in the news that this was a uniquely terrible flood.

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