Since we happened to be in Marlow again today, we thought we'd see how
things were getting on. The water seemed generally to be between nine
inches and a foot lower than last week.
All images are cc-by-sa.

The top of flood was very clearly visible on anything like sloping
ground. It hadn't reached the road in most places, though I wonder
about the riverside cottage "under offer" -- was that offer made more
than a week ago, and do they now regret it?

The lock again; water's clearly dropped on both sides.

The backs of the nasty houses and flats. The bench is now nearly clear
of the water, though there's still no ground visible; the fountain, or
whatever it is, was still running.

The ducks know perfectly well that they are supposed to perch just
next to the edge of the water, and so that is where they are going to
perch. Even if the edge of the water isn't there at the moment.

The path up from Marlow Bridge is nearly clear, though there's still a
foot or more for the river to drop before things are back to normal.

Less mud-larking today; people seemed to be trying to get back to
their normal dog- and child-walking routines.

Probably an inevitable headline. Same as last week's; that was probably inevitable too.
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