RogerBW's Blog

Warm Bodies 31 May 2019

2013 zombie romance, dir. Jonathan Levine, Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer; IMDb / allmovie. After the zombie apocalypse, boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy is still dead.

Magic Dreams, Ilona Andrews 30 May 2019

2011 modern fantasy novella, side story between fourth and fifth in the Kate Daniels series. Dali Harimau, vegetarian weretiger, finds her pack leader (and crush) passed out in her house. A new magical threat needs a competent magician not only to handle it but to work out what's going on.

The Meg 29 May 2019

2018 SF-horror, dir. Jon Turteltaub, Jason Statham, Li Bingbing: IMDb / allmovie. Five years ago, submarine rescue expert Jonas Taylor had to make a hard decision and leave some of his men behind to save the rest. Now, not only is there another submarine lost, his ex-wife is aboard. (A giant shark will also feature.)

Record of a Spaceborn Few, Becky Chambers 28 May 2019

2018 science fiction, stand-alone continuation of the Wayfarers series. Five inhabitants of the Exodus Fleet live parts of their lives.

Deep Blue Sea 2 27 May 2019

2018 SF-horror, dir. Darin Scott, Danielle Savre, Rob Mayes: IMDb / allmovie. Another offshore research station, another giant shark. Must be Thursday.

Broken Skin, Stuart MacBride 26 May 2019

2007 police procedural mystery, tartan noir, third in the Logan McRae series. McRae continues to be bounced between Inspectors Insch and Steel, and to try to have a personal life too.

Frankie Drake Mysteries season 2 25 May 2019

2018 mystery show, 10 episodes. Frankie Drake and Trudy Clarke continue to be private detectives in 1920s Toronto.

Thornyhold, Mary Stewart 24 May 2019

1988 romantic suspense. After a lonely childhood, Geillis Ramsay finds herself orphaned and the heir to her mother's cousin's house in rural Wiltshire. And perhaps to her magic too.

Marlow Tabletop and Board Games 20 May 2019 23 May 2019

This Meetup-based boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey.

Apex 119, April 2019 22 May 2019

Apex is a monthly on-line magazine edited by Jason Sizemore among others.

Deep Blue Sea 21 May 2019

1999 science fiction horror, dir. Renny Harlin, Saffron Burrows, Thomas Jane: IMDb / allmovie. On a remote floating shark research station, things are going to go very badly wrong.

Clarkesworld 152, May 2019 20 May 2019

Clarkesworld is a monthly on-line magazine edited by Neil Clarke.

Anna and the Apocalypse 19 May 2019

2018 Scottish zombie Christmas musical, dir. John McPhail, Ella Hunt, Malcolm Cumming; IMDb / allmovie. Zombies have risen, and we're all going to die. In a small Scottish town just before Christmas.

The Sins of the Wolf, Anne Perry 18 May 2019

1994 mystery, fifth in Perry's William Monk series (Victorian investigation). Hester Latterly takes a job escorting an elderly lady by the overnight train from Edinburgh to London, making sure she takes her medicine on time. In the morning, her charge is dead, and soon enough Hester is charged with her murder.

Thirsty Meeples May 2019 17 May 2019

Back to the boardgame café. With images; cc-by-sa on everything.

Chastity Bites 16 May 2019

2013 horror/comedy, dir. John V. Knowles, Allison Scagliotti, Francia Raisa: IMDb / allmovie. Leah is a blue-state girl in a red-state town, trying to get into a good college by breaking a really big story in the school paper. But when a new "abstinence educator" comes to town it may be a bigger story than she can handle.

The Grub-and-Stakers Spin a Yarn, Charlotte MacLeod 15 May 2019

1990, cosy American detective fiction; fourth of MacLeod's novels (as "Alisa Craig") of Dittany Henbit and the Lobelia Falls Grub-and-Stakers Gardening & Roving Club. Industrial espionage comes to town, and the local mincemeat magnate is under attack.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 season 12 14 May 2019 - 2 comments

The revived show continues, with a shorter six-episode season.

Last Rights, Barbara Nadel 13 May 2019

2006 mystery, first in Nadel's series about Francis Hancock, East End undertaker during the Blitz. During an air raid, a man claims that he's been stabbed, then runs off; later he shows up on Hancock's slab, apparently dead of blast, but Hancock isn't satisfied.

New Game!! (Season 2) 12 May 2019

2017 slice of life, 4-koma manga adaptation in 12 episodes: AniDB. Suzukaze Aoba continues to work as a character designer at a computer game studio.

Moving filenames to UTF-8 11 May 2019 - 1 comment

I've been renaming my large music collection into UTF-8.

Revenant Gun, Yoon Ha Lee 10 May 2019

2018 Hugo-nominated science fiction, third in a trilogy. The last thing Shuos Jedao remembers is being seventeen… but now he's been woken into a much older body, and apparently the Hexarch Nirai Kujen is relying on his military skills to reassemble the shattered empire. But Kujen, as always, is playing a very deep game…

Marlow Tabletop and Board Games 6 May 2019 09 May 2019

This Meetup-based boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey. (Pictures from new shinyphone in "HDR" mode.)

The Bright Silver Star, David Handler 08 May 2019

2003 mystery, third in the Berger and Mitry series. It's tourist season in the small town of Dorset, and a film star couple is among them (she grew up in the area). But soon enough someone is going to plummet to his death.

Spy 07 May 2019

2015 action comedy, dir. Paul Feig, Melissa McCarthy, Jason Statham; IMDb / allmovie. In a James Bond-style world, when all the CIA's field agents are compromised, it's up to an analyst to go undercover and look for a missing nuclear weapon.

A Questionable Client, Ilona Andrews 06 May 2019

2010 modern fantasy novelette, prequel to the Kate Daniels series. Kate the mercenary gets a short-notice, high-paying bodyguard job, for a particularly repulsive client.

Things I Have Missed 05 May 2019 - 12 comments

I have spent much of my life hanging about with people a little older than me; I'm used to it. But there is occasionally some need for translation. Here are some things I have never experienced, by virtue of not having been born until just before the Unix epoch, which for many people I know were simply part of life when they were young.

12 Monkeys season 3 04 May 2019

2017 SF, 10 episodes. The civilisation-ending plague was just part of the bigger plot, and nobody's loyalties are clear even before time travel comes into the picture.

Music for Barbecues 03 May 2019

I've been improving the ways people can get access to the local music server during my barbecues and similar events.

Lying for Money, Dan Davies 02 May 2019 - 2 comments

2018 non-fiction, an informal look at the history, particularly in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, of fraud.

April 2019 Trailers 01 May 2019 - 2 comments

Some trailers I've seen recently, and my thoughts on them. (Links are to youtube. Opinions are thoroughly personal. Calibration: Burn it. Burn it all.)

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