I'm not planning to vote in the Hugos this year, but I am eligible to
nominate. Nominations close early on Saturday morning, UK time.
And here's a nomination countdown, because the official
notification is unclear about dates…

Best Novel
These are the two I've read that I think are actually damn good books
either of which deserves to win.
- The City in the Middle of the Night, Charlie Jane Anders
- The Future of Another Timeline, Annalee Newitz
These are ones that I quite like but don't really think of as Hugo-grade.
- Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City, K. J. Parker
- Ancestral Night, Elizabeth Bear
- A Memory Called Empire, Arkady Martine (not yet finished at the time
of writing)
If Leckie's The Raven Tower gets the award I shall be irked,
because for me it was so very much less good than Ancillary Sword
and Ancillary Mercy that were nominated but didn't win.
Best Novella
- This Is How You Lose The Time War, Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
(doesn't need me to nominate it, but I really did like it)
- Sweep of the Blade, Ilona Andrews (to amuse myself, but I wouldn't
feel regret if everyone went mad and it won)
Best Novelette
All from Clarkesworld, which is the only magazine I'm still reading,
largely because they have a web site that works and doesn't try to get
clever (Uncanny and Strange Horizons have both done this enough to put
me off).
Best Short Story
Best Related Work
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