RogerBW's Blog

The Weekly Challenge 262: Count Max, Type O Negative 31 March 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved various sorts of filtering arrays. (Note that this ends today.)

A Simple Plan (1998) 30 March 2024

1998 drama, dir. Sam Raimi, Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thornton: IMDb / allmovie. All we have to do is hide the money for a few months while the heat dies down.

A Darker Magic, Glynn Stewart 29 March 2024

2021 SF, tenth of its series. As the cleanup from the rebellion continue, Lieutenant-Commander Roslyn Chambers is sent to a backwater world that may be hiding war criminals.

Neighbourly Games 11 March 28 March 2024

More gaming with some nearby friends.

So You Want To Be a Wizard, Diane Duane 27 March 2024 - 2 comments

1983 fantasy for children (and everyone else), first of a long series. While hiding from bullies in the library, thirteen-year-old Nita Callahan finds a book that promises to teach magic. But nothing is free.

Sunset Boulevard 26 March 2024

1950 noir, dir. Billy Wilder, William Holden, Gloria Swanson: IMDb / allmovie. Just back away now, you'll end up in the same place and it'll hurt less.

Bookshops & Bonedust, Travis Baldree 25 March 2024 - 1 comment

2023 fantasy. Many years before the events of Legends & Lattes, a young Viv the orc is stranded for a few weeks in a seaside town as her wounded leg heals.

The Weekly Challenge 261: Two Elements Who Adore You 24 March 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved digit sums and progressive multiplication. (Note that this ends today.)

Thirsty Meeples March 2024 23 March 2024 - 2 comments

Back to the boardgame café.

A Little Knowledge, Emma Newman 22 March 2024

2016 fantasy, fourth volume of its series. Cathy seeks allies in her reform of Neither society; Max finds himself showing disconcerting initiative given what's happened to his soul; Sam finds out what the Elemental Court is really up to.

The Fog (1980) 21 March 2024

1980 horror, dir. John Carpenter, Adrienne Barbeau, Jamie Lee Curtis: IMDb / allmovie. The vengeful ghosts are out to get you.

Island of Whispers, Frances Hardinge 20 March 2024

2023 fantasy novelette. On the island of Merlank, the ferryman has to take the dead away to where they can end their existences, or they'll hang around and haunt. Milo is one of the Ferryman's sons, and since noticing the dead can cause you to join them, his curious nature makes him unfit for the job. Until the lord's daughter dies… Illustrated by Emily Gravett.

Neighbourly Games 26 February 19 March 2024

More gaming with some nearby friends.

Beyond the Empire, K. B. Wagers 18 March 2024

2017 SF, third of its trilogy. Hailimi has to take back her Empire, and think hard about the future…

The Weekly Challenge 260: Uniquely Rank 17 March 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved multi-level counts and word ordering. (Note that this ends today.)

Jurassic Park 16 March 2024 - 3 comments

1993 science fiction, dir. Steven Spielberg, Sam Neill, Laura Dern: IMDb / allmovie. How dare they do science!

Clockwork Boys, T Kingfisher 15 March 2024

2017 fantasy, first of a pair. A disgraced paladin, an assassin, a forger and a scholar ride out on a suicide mission…

Neighbourly Games 12 February 14 March 2024

I've been playing a bit with (by local standards) near neighbours.

The Dark Archive, Genevieve Cogman 13 March 2024

2020 alternate-world fantasy, seventh of its series. Irene's trying to train up a new assistant, but someone's attacking them and their allies…

A Better Tomorrow 12 March 2024

1986 action, dir. John Woo, Ti Lung, Leslie Cheung: IMDb / allmovie. Two brothers on opposite sides of the law…

The Two-Headed Eagle, John Biggins 11 March 2024 - 2 comments

1993 historical aviation fiction. For a few months in 1916 Linienschiffsleutnant Otto Prohaska of the Austro-Hungarian Navy is a heroic aviator.

The Weekly Challenge 259: Banking Parser 10 March 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved date offsets and parser construction. (Note that this ends today.)

Capture the Sun, Jessie Mihalik 09 March 2024

2023 SF/romance, third of a trilogy. Lexi Bowen, professional thief, fell for human-adjacent hottie Nilo Shoren, but he dumped her and stole her job. But why does he have to be so nice?

Long Story Short, Jodi Taylor 08 March 2024

2019 science fiction anthology collecting stories mostly in the Chronicles of St Mary's series (time travel).

The Holmes-Dracula File, Fred Saberhagen 07 March 2024

1978 horror, second in Saberhagen's loose Dracula series. In 1897, London is getting ready for Victoria's Jubilee. A man is clubbed on the street and loses his memory, but finds himself being used as an experimental subject. And SHerlock Holmes will encounter the Giant Rat of Sumatra.

Dark Horse, Michelle Diener 06 March 2024

2015 SF/romance, first of a series. Rose McKenzie was kidnapped from Earth and was kept as a prisoner and experimental subject aboard a space battleship, until she managed to escape. Dav Jallan doesn't know why this battleship has turnd up in his region of space, or why its crew is dead, but…

The Boxing Baroness, Minerva Spencer 05 March 2024

2022 Regency romance. Marianne Simpson boxes at Farnham's Fantastical Female Fayre, run by her uncle. She has good reason to be suspicious of aristocratic men. But the Duke of Staunton has need of her…

Pulsar Race, Glynn Stewart 04 March 2024

2020 SF novella, side story in the Starship's Mage series. Ivan Halloway is a retired Mage who wanted to get away from the dangers of naval service; but he'll still help out his old buddy who's got himself into way too much trouble…

The Weekly Challenge 258: Valuing the Count 03 March 2024

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved counting digits and matching bit-counts. (Note that this ends today.)

All is Fair, Emma Newman 02 March 2024

2013 fantasy, third volume of its series. Cathy tries to kick off her project to reform society in the Nether; Max still works for the increasingly erratic sorcerer Ekstrand; Sam is dragged into the Elemental Court.

After the Crown, K. B. Wagers 01 March 2024

2016 SF, second of its trilogy. Hailimi has survived one plot to depose her, but there are more waiting their turn…

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