RogerBW's Blog

A Pale Light in the Black, K. B. Wagers 31 May 2023 - 1 comment

2020 military SF, first of a series. Max Carmichael, younger daughter of a super-rich family, is trying to get away from their influence. Meanwhlie the Near Earth Orbital Guard is just trying to keep space safe for honest travellers…

The Incredibles 30 May 2023

2004 animated superheroics, dir. Brad Bird, Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter; IMDb / allmovie. What does a superhero do when superheroes are illegal?

Seeing is Believing, Elizabeth Ferrars 29 May 2023

1994 mystery. Frances and Malcolm Chance have retired to a small village. Their neighbour is murdered, and all the secrets start to come out.

The Weekly Challenge 218: Maximum Matrix 28 May 2023

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved list manipulation and bit flipping. (Note that this is open until 28 May 2023.)

Bullshot 27 May 2023

1983 action parody, dir. Dick Clement, Alan Shearman, Diz White: IMDb / allmovie. The dashing Captain Crummond (war hero, flying ace, Olympic athlete, racing driver, and part-time sleuth) defends the Empire against the machinations of the evil Count Otto von Bruno. Later vt Bullshot Crummond.

Thieves, Kristine Kathryn Rusch 26 May 2023

2021 science fiction, ninth in the Diving Universe series. As "Boss" explores deeper into the Boneyard, the Fleet of the present day finally organises a response.

Roma 25 May 2023

2018 drama, dir. Alfonso Cuarón; Yalitza Aparicio, Marina de Tavira: IMDb / allmovie. A year in the life of a middle-class family in Mexico City in the 1970s, as mostly seen through the eyes of their maid.

Death in Daylesford, Kerry Greenwood 24 May 2023

2020 historical detection, twenty-first in Greenwood's Phryne Fisher series (1920s flapper detective in Australia). Phryne and Dot go to a spa for shell-shocked soldiers in rural Victoria and deal with small-town crimes, while the rest of her found-family look into a mystery in Melbourne.

Blade Runner 2049 23 May 2023 - 5 comments

2017 SF, dir. Denis Villeneuve, Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford; IMDb / allmovie. Turns out slaves may think they're people.

Holiday With Violence, Edith Pargeter 22 May 2023

1952 thriller. Punch, Phyllida, Peter and Mab are on a European trekking holiday, before they have to go back to school or work. They meet a pleasant old man on the train, but later find him murderously attacked. And then things start to get odd. (Later republished as by Ellis Peters.)

The Weekly Challenge 217: Sorted Max 21 May 2023

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved various sorts of sorting. (Note that this closes today.)

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri 20 May 2023

2018 drama, dir. Martin McDonagh, Frances McDormand, Sam Rockwell: IMDb / allmovie. Her daughter was raped and murdered, and nobody's caught the killer…

Welcome Home / Go Away, Mike Shepherd 19 May 2023

2012 military SF, novella in the Kris Longknife series. As the news of Kris's return from a scouting trip leaks into civilised space, various factions react to it.

Marlow Board Games 3 April 2023 18 May 2023

This Meetup-based boardgames group continues to meet in the Britannia, but this time several people couldn't make it so we stayed closer to home.

To Kill a Coconut, Patricia Moyes 17 May 2023

1977 mystery, thirteenth in the series about Superintendent Henry Tibbett. On an island near Tampica, but still under British rule, the murder of a US senator has raised racial tensions. Everyone thinks they know who did it, but the evidence isn't of the best. So Tibbett is brought in to make it look good, but inconveniently insists on actually investigating… US vt The Coconut Killings.

Arrival (2016) 16 May 2023 - 4 comments

2016 SF, dir. Denis Villeneuve, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner; IMDb / allmovie. The alien ships arrive, but nobody knows how to communicate with their occupants.

And the Rest Is History, Jodi Taylor 15 May 2023

2017 science fiction, eighth in the Chronicles of St Mary's series (time travel). Everything is finally going well for Max. But not for long.

The Weekly Challenge 216: Word Registration 14 May 2023

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved mucking about with words. (Note that this is open until 14 May 2023.)

Someone Else's Garden Games (April) 13 May 2023

Back again, playing with three and four.

Lies, Damned Lies and History, Jodi Taylor 12 May 2023

2016 science fiction, seventh in the Chronicles of St Mary's series (time travel). A young Historian gets emotional, and the others throw aside good sense to support him.

The VelociPastor 11 May 2023

2018 horror/comedy, dir. Brendan Steere, Greg Cohan, Alyssa Kempinski: IMDb / allmovie. After his parents are killed, a priest travels to China, and finds he's gained the ability to transform into a dinosaur. With a prostitute as his moral guide, he sets out to fight for justice.

In the Cards, Celia Lake 10 May 2023

2019 romantic fantasy, fifth of its loose series. Lorelei "Laura" Penhallow has been healed of her consumption enough to live a normal life, and that includes being invited for a weekend house party by a family with an eligible son. But we all know what happens at weekend house parties.

Murder in Mesopotamia 09 May 2023

1994 audio adaptation by Michael Bakewell of Christie's 1936 mystery, in five 30-minute episodes. The flashy unsuitable wife of the famous archaeologist thinks someone is out to get her; everyone but her husband assume's she's just seeking attention, until she's killed.

The Khyber Connection, Simon Hawke 08 May 2023

1986 SF, sixth of its series. A soldier sent back to 1897 to fight in the Hindu Kush meets his exact twin…

The Weekly Challenge 215: Placing the Odd 07 May 2023

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved sorting words and modifying sequences. (Note that this is open until 7 May 2023.)

Admiral's Oath, Glynn Stewart 06 May 2023

2022 space-navy SF, first of its series but following the six-book Castle Federation series. Admiral James Tecumseh came off worst against the Alliance, and was given a "safe" posting in a backwater sector. But now all the FTL communicators have gone dark, and he's the man in charge…

Marlow Board Games 20 March 2023 05 May 2023

This Meetup-based boardgames group continues to meet in the Britannia.

The Sun Is God, Adrian McKinty 04 May 2023

2014 historical mystery with fantastic elements. In 1906, former military police Lieutenant William Prior is going native in German New Guinea. Then he's asked to help look into a mysterious death in the local colony of weirdoes…

Mad Heidi 03 May 2023

2022 action comedy, dir. Johannes Hartmann and Sandro Klopfstein, Alice Lucy: IMDb. They killed her parents and her boyfriend, and her grandfather, and now Heidi's striking back.

Death's Bright Day, David Drake 02 May 2023

2016 military SF, eleventh of this ongoing series. Another neutral star cluster, where one arm of the enemy Alliance seems to be fomenting a rebellion against another. So Leary is sent in to be a mercenary…

April 2023 Trailers 01 May 2023

Some trailers I've seen recently, and my thoughts on them. (Links are to youtube. Opinions are thoroughly personal. Calibration: I want a trailer to tell me what's different about this film; the marketers want it to tell me why it's like all the others…)

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