RogerBW's Blog

Double Indemnity 31 August 2023

1944 noir, dir. Billy Wilder, Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck: IMDb / allmovie. He doesn't get the money, and he doesn't get the woman.

Interstellar Mage, Glynn Stewart 30 August 2023 - 5 comments

2017 SF, first of its sub-series. David Rice lost his merchant ship, but the Mage-King of Mars has given him a new one. And there almost isn't a price…

Color Out of Space (2019) 29 August 2023 - 2 comments

2019 horror, dir. Richard Stanley, Nicolas Cage, Madeleine Arthur: IMDb / allmovie. There's something in the water…

Ruth's First Christmas Tree, Elly Griffiths 28 August 2023

2012 mystery-adjacent short story. With a young daughter, Ruth Galloway feels she ought to get a Christmas tree and otherwise have a "proper" Christmas.

The Weekly Challenge 231: Max Citizens 27 August 2023

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved various list processing. (Note that this ends today.)

Thirsty Meeples July 2023 26 August 2023 - 2 comments

Back to the boardgame café.

The Masked City, Genevieve Cogman 25 August 2023

2015 alternate-world fantasy. Irene's apprentice is kidnapped from steampunk Victorian London, and she has to go to an ideal of Venice to rescue him.

The Whisperer in Darkness (2011) 24 August 2023

2011 horror, dir. Sean Branney, Matt Foyer, Autumn Wendel: IMDb / allmovie. Albert Wilmarth is about to go deeper into folklore than he ever intended.

Furious Heaven, Kate Elliott 23 August 2023

2023 space-operatic SF, second of a planned trilogy. Sun Shan and the Chaonian forces have won their first great victory over the Phene Empire, but domestic complications arise.

Die Farbe (2010) 22 August 2023

2010 horror, Huan Vu, Ingo Heise, Marco Leibnitz: IMDb / allmovie. Why has Dad gone back to a part of Germany he visited during the war? vt The Color Out of Space.

Rain Dogs, Adrian McKinty 21 August 2023

2016 crime, fifth in the Sean Duffy series. Belfast, 1987: Duffy faces another locked-room mystery when a journalist is found dead in Carrickfergus Castle.

The Weekly Challenge 230: The Count of Separation 20 August 2023

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved number lists and word prefixes. (Note that this ends today.)

The Call of Cthulhu (2005) 19 August 2023

2005 horror, Sean Branney and Andrew Leman, Matt Foyer: IMDb / allmovie. Great-uncle left some very disturbing papers…

The Hollow Hills, Mary Stewart 18 August 2023 - 3 comments

1973 Arthurian fantasy, second of its series. Merlin watches over Arthur, from his birth to his coronation.

Marlow Board Games 17 July 2023 17 August 2023

This Meetup-based boardgames group continues, this evening at my place.

Conquer the Kingdom, Jennifer Estep 16 August 2023

2023 fantasy, last of its trilogy. Princess Gemma has got her man, but still has other problems to solve, including his murderous brother and their scheming mother.

Glass Onion (2022) 15 August 2023

2022 whodunnit, dir. Rian Johnson, Daniel Craig, Janelle Monáe: IMDb / allmovie. The tech billionaire hosts a murder mystery party on his private island. It doesn't go well.

Furious, Mike Shepherd 14 August 2023

2012 military SF, tenth of the Kris Longknife books. Exiled to a significant but powerless position and surrounded by spies, Kris has to get back to her homeworld and start planning out how to deal with the alien menace that people aren't being told about.

The Weekly Challenge 229: Three, Two, Out of Order 13 August 2023

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved analysing strings and picking over lists. (Note that this ends today.)

Taken at the Flood 12 August 2023

2003 audio adaptation by Michael Bakewell of Christie's 1948 mystery, in five 30-minute episodes. Rosaleen had just married her very rich husband when their flat in London was bombed and she was the only survivor. Two years later, the war's over and his relatives are coming round with their hands out…

Last Will and Testament, Elizabeth Ferrars 11 August 2023 - 1 comment

1978 mystery. The rich old woman dies, not unexpectedly. But her relatives and her solicitor are all going to be surprised, some of them fatally.

Knives Out (2019) 10 August 2023

2019 whodunnit, dir. Rian Johnson, Daniel Craig, Ana de Armas: IMDb / allmovie. The rich old man is stabbed after his 85th birthday party; whodunnit?

The Dracula Caper, Simon Hawke 09 August 2023

1988 SF, eighth of its series. People are being torn apart in Victorian London, or simply drained of blood. How will the Time Commandos solve the problem?

The Matrix Resurrections (2021) 08 August 2023 - 2 comments

2021 SF, dir. Lana Wachowski, Keanu Reeves, Jessica Henwick; IMDb / allmovie. What if we ignored the films that were not so good?

Simulacron-3, Daniel F. Galouye 07 August 2023

1964 SF. Douglas Hall is working on a simulated reality to make product test-marketing cheaper. But all of a sudden things aren't the way he remembers them being… UK vt Counterfeit World.

The Weekly Challenge 228: The Empty Sum 06 August 2023

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved inspecting integer elements and making iterative things less so. (Note that this ends today.)

The Matrix Revolutions (2003) 05 August 2023 - 2 comments

2003 SF, dir. Wachowskis, Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne; IMDb / allmovie. See Neo fight. Fight, Neo, fight.

A Convenient Fiction, Mimi Matthews 04 August 2023

2019 Victorian romance. Laura Hayes' father died of the same fever that left her brother an invalid, and what was left of the family business and land is tied up by a grasping lawyer. Alex Archer, professional card sharp, is trading in the thousands of pounds owed to him by his latest victim for an introduction to an heiress, who happens to be Laura's neighbour…

The Matrix Reloaded (2003) 03 August 2023 - 2 comments

2003 SF, dir. Wachowskis, Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne; IMDb / allmovie. OK, so you're God. Now what?

Angel Death, Patricia Moyes 02 August 2023

1980 mystery, fifteenth in the series about Superintendent Henry Tibbett. Henry and Emmy are back in the British Seaward Islands for a boating holiday. But people have been disappearing…

The Matrix (1999) 01 August 2023 - 2 comments

1999 SF, dir. Wachowskis, Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne; IMDb / allmovie. What if it were all, like, a simulation, man?

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