RogerBW's Blog

Games in Reading, 17 November 2022 30 November 2022

Boardgames at a friend's place again.

Deep Pockets, Linda Barnes 29 November 2022

2004 mystery, tenth in the Carlotta Carlyle series (neo-noir private investigation). A very paranoid Harvard professor is being blackmailed; he hires Carlotta to sort it out.

Home audio with mpd and snapcast 28 November 2022

I have a multi-channel home audio setup that works quite remarkably well.

The Weekly Challenge 192: Equal Flips For All 27 November 2022

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved a binary negation and list division. (Note that this is open until 27 November 2022.)

The Hurt Locker 26 November 2022

2008 war, dir. Kathryn Bigelow, Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie: IMDb / allmovie. War is a drug.

In the Stormy Red Sky, David Drake 25 November 2022

2009 military SF, seventh of this ongoing series. An irked senator, a shaky ally, and a major defeat for the RCN…

Board Games at the Bear, 13 November 2022 24 November 2022

Back in the Usual Pub with ten of us playing various games.

Ships and Stings and Wedding Rings, Jodi Taylor 23 November 2022

2015 science fiction novelette in the Chronicles of St Mary's series (time travel). When an historian leaves a gun behind in ancient Egypt, Max decides to retrieve it herself rather than calling in the Time Police.

Games in Reading, 10 November 2022 22 November 2022

I went over to a friend's place for boardgames.

Season of Snows and Sins, Patricia Moyes 21 November 2022

1971 mystery, tenth in the series about Superintendent Henry Tibbett. Recent widow Jane Weston goes to live in a small Swiss village; her housekeeper is accused of murdering her unfaithful husband, and Jane's evidence helps to get her convicted. Then the Tibbetts turn up to visit…

The Weekly Challenge 191: Large but Cute 20 November 2022

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved list sorting and permutation checking. (Note that this is open until 20 November 2022.)

Alien Arcana, Glynn Stewart 19 November 2022 - 2 comments

2016 SF, fourth of its series. On an archaeological site light years from Earth, an academic magician makes an interesting discovery… and is promptly murdered.

Marlow Tabletop and Board Games 7 November 2022 18 November 2022

This Meetup-based boardgames group continues to meet in the Britannia.

Telling Tales, Ann Cleeves 17 November 2022

2005 contemporary police mystery, second in Cleeves' Vera Stanhope series. Ten years ago, Emma's friend Abigail was murdered, and Emma found the body. The woman convicted of the crime always maintained her innocence… and now she's hanged herself. Old secrets will be dug up once more…

My Darling Vivian (2020) 16 November 2022

2020 documentary, dir. Matt Riddlehoover, Roseanne Cash, Kathy Cash Tittle; IMDb / allmovie. Hello. He's Johnny Cash.

I Hear the Sirens In the Street, Adrian McKinty 15 November 2022

2013 crime. It's 1982, and Sean Duffy, one of the few Catholic detectives in the RUC, has responsibility for a torso found in a rubbish pile. The victim was frozen before he was dumped, and he actually died of an obscure poison…

Silverstone Games 14 November 2022

A small game session to celebrate the end of a painful house-move.

The Application of Hope, Kristine Kathryn Rusch 13 November 2022

2014 science fiction novella in the Diving Universe series. When the Ivoire is attacked and disappears, Captain Sabin and the Geneva lead the search mission…

The Weekly Challenge 190: Decoding Capital 12 November 2022

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved checking capitalisation and decoding an ambiguous string. (Note that this is open until 13 November 2022.)

Shadow Hunter, Geoffrey Archer 11 November 2022 - 2 comments

1989 late Cold War naval/espionage thriller. The captain of the nuclear attack submarine Truculent, sent north to join a large NATO exercise, has dropped out of communication. But what's he planning to do?

Thirsty Meeples November 2022 10 November 2022

Back to the boardgame café. Yup, last time we went was in December 2019.

Only Bad Options, Jennifer Estep 09 November 2022

2022 romantic SF, first of a planned trilogy. Vesper Quill is a designer working on various high-tech products for the penny-pinching Kent Corporation. Kyrion Caldaren is the Emperor's right hand, head of his elite forces. There's no reason they would ever even meet

28 Weeks Later 08 November 2022 - 1 comment

2007 horror, dir. Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, Robert Carlyle, Imogen Poots; IMDb / allmovie. The zombies are still out.

A Taste For Death, P. D. James 07 November 2022

1986 detective fiction, seventh of James's novels of Inspector (now Commander) Adam Dalgliesh. A tramp, and an MP in the process of resigning, are both found in a church, their throats cut. Murder-suicide? Double murder? Anything to do with the anonymous letter the MP had recently received? Adam Dalgleish, in charge of a new unit dedicated to dealing with politically sensitive incidents, investigates.

The Weekly Challenge 189: Degree of Character 06 November 2022

I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved filtering character lists and finding subarrays. (Note that this is open until 6 November 2022.)

Unraveller, Frances Hardinge 05 November 2022

2022 fantasy. In the marsh-woods of Raddith, Things are living. And some of them give people the ability to curse: if you fester a hatred for long enough, you can turn your enemy into bees, or steal their shadow, or just set them on fire…

Someone Else's Garden Games (October) 04 November 2022

Been a while, as life got in the way…

Fire in a Faraway Place, Robert Frezza 03 November 2022 - 3 comments

1995 military SF, sequel to A Small Colonial War. The rebellion on the colony world ended up with an independent civilian government, and the Japanese Empire doesn't like that…

Dymo label printers 02 November 2022

I now have three Dymo label printers, each ideal for its task. But some care is needed in buying them.

October 2022 Trailers 01 November 2022 - 1 comment

Some trailers I've seen recently, and my thoughts on them. (Links are to youtube. Opinions are thoroughly personal. Calibration: I want a trailer to tell me what's different about this film; the marketers want it to tell me why it's like all the others…)

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