RogerBW's Blog

Iron Jackal, Chris Wooding 30 November 2020

2011 steampunk fantasy. The misfit crew of the Ketty Jay has fame, at least a bit of fortune, and a new and exciting job… oh dear.

Enola Holmes (2020) 29 November 2020 - 6 comments

2020 thriller/mystery, dir. Harry Bradbeer, Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill; IMDb / allmovie.

On the morning of her sixteenth birthday, Enola Holmes finds that her mother has disappeared without a word. But since she's the younger sister of Mycroft and Sherlock, she doesn't wait to see what will happen next. On the way to London, she runs into someone fleeing from his own problems…

Perl Weekly Challenge 88: Spiral Product 28 November 2020 - 1 comment

I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly Challenges. The latest involved multiplications and spirals. (Note that this is open until 29 November 2020.)

Pearple's Choice Awards 2019-2020 27 November 2020

Nominations are now open for the Pearple's Choice Awards for 2019-2020.

A Pretty Mouth, Molly Tanzer 26 November 2020 - 2 comments

2012 collection of mildly Lovecraftian fantasy/horror stories, loosely connected by reference to the Calipash family.

The Shadow Over Innsmouth 25 November 2020

2019 audio drama, adapted in eight parts by Julian Simpson from the story by H. P. Lovecraft.

Coole Swan 24 November 2020 - 5 comments

Coole Swan has a very simple concept: Bailey's, done right.

A Shebang For Rust 23 November 2020

Rust is a compiled language. How can I run a program directly from the shell?

Hellspark, Janet Kagan 22 November 2020 - 2 comments

1988 SF. The survey team on the planet Lassti is under pressure to declare it free of native sentients so that the colonisers can move in. The "sprookjes" mimic human speech, but that alone is not enough. One of the surveyors dies in what's probably an accident. And then the Hellspark arrives…

Still Mostly Masks 21 November 2020 - 4 comments

I think people just don't have the attention span to cope with something that goes on for months.

The Book of Cthulhu, Ross E. Lockhart 20 November 2020 - 2 comments

2011 fantasy/horror anthology, consisting of stories inspired by Lovecraft.

Perl Weekly Challenge 87: Consecutive Rectangles 19 November 2020

I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly Challenges. The latest involved list searches and matrices. (Note that this is open until 22 November 2020.)

Boardgames in Isolation: November (part 1) 18 November 2020

More boardgames played from home.

The Path of Cunning Issue 3 17 November 2020 - 7 comments

The third issue of the GURPS fanzine The Path of Cunning is out.

The Masqueraders, Georgette Heyer 16 November 2020 - 2 comments

1928 Georgian romance. As the consequences of the rebellion of '45 are still being felt, two fugitives from the losing side set off for London – disguised as the opposite sexes.

Roger's Paradox of Game Design 15 November 2020 - 5 comments

I have noticed a paradox in the design of competitive games.

The Art of Theft, Sherry Thomas 14 November 2020

2019 mystery story, fourth of the Lady Sherlock series. Charlotte Holmes continues to act as a consulting detective, this time acting to recover some blackmail-grade letters from an old flame of Mrs Watson. But of course there's much more going on than that.

Vigilante, Laura E. Reeve 13 November 2020

2009 science fiction, second of a trilogy. Ariane Kedros was involved in finding an alien artefact that lots of people want a look at. Some of them aren't planning to be polite.

Perl Weekly Challenge 86: Sudoku Difference 12 November 2020 - 1 comment

I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly Challenges. The latest involved list searches and combinatorial explosions. (Note that this is open until 15 November 2020.)

Say You're Sorry, Melinda Leigh 11 November 2020

2017 cosy mystery, first in the Morgan Dane series. Morgan, widowed with three small daughters, is getting back into her career as an ADA; but when the daughters' former babysitter is murdered and the neighbour kid is accused, she offers to defend him.

Marlow Tabletop and Board Games 2 November 2020 10 November 2020

This Meetup-based boardgames group remains on-line for the moment; as usual we got together on Jitsi and then played some games on BoardGameArena.

Alien Stars, David Hambling 09 November 2020 - 1 comment

2017 Lovecraftian horror. In 1920s London, ex-boxer Harry Stubbs is employed to track down a mysterious thing. But it seems to be leaving corpses in its wake.

Boardgames in Isolation: October 08 November 2020

More boardgames played from home. (No, you didn't miss an October part 1; I played very little in the first half of the month, mostly because of a secret RPG-writing project taking up my time.)

Why no anti-submarine Osprey? 07 November 2020

When the V-22 Osprey was still in development, one of the major roles it was expected to fill was that of submarine hunting. But this never happened, to the point that it's now largely been forgotten that it was ever contemplated. Why?

Libra Shrugged, David Gerard 06 November 2020 - 2 comments

2020 non-fiction. In 2019, Facebook announced that it was planning to revolutionise money. How did it fail?

Perl Weekly Challenge 85: Triplet Power 05 November 2020 - 1 comment

I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly Challenges. The latest involved searching combinations and integer powers. (Note that this is open until 8 November 2020.)

It's Not a Lockdown 04 November 2020

So it's to be a "lockdown" again. Only not.

Twilight 2000: Survivors' Guide to the United Kingdom 03 November 2020 - 6 comments

This 1990 RPG supplement by Peter Phillipps portrays a Britain after World War III. Well. Up to a point. It is a famously bad book.

First game of Thunderbolt Apache Leader 02 November 2020 - 3 comments

Last year I bought a copy of Thunderbolt Apache Leader. This year I played it.

October 2020 Trailers 01 November 2020 - 2 comments

Some trailers I've seen recently, and my thoughts on them. (Links are to youtube. Opinions are thoroughly personal.)

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