RogerBW's Blog

Bolder, Carl Honoré 29 February 2020

2019 non-fiction. Honoré looks at the practicalities and possibilities of ageing.

Perl Weekly Challenge 46: corrupt messages and hotel rooms 28 February 2020

I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly Challenges. The latest was about recovering a corrupted message and solving an iterative problem.

West with the Night, Beryl Markham 27 February 2020

1942 autobiography of the first person to fly the Atlantic solo non-stop from east to west.

Julian Simpson Radio Plays 26 February 2020

After having enjoyed the recent radio plays based on The Case of Charles Dexter Ward and The Whisperer in Darkness, I sought out earlier audio drama written and directed by Julian Simpson.

Fifth 1 Player Guild UK Meet 25 February 2020

The 1 Player Guild is a group of solo game players, communicating through BoardGameGeek. This was the fifth get-together for the UK contingent, and we were back in the upstairs room of a pub in Silverstone.

With images; cc-by-sa on everything.

Rules of Prey, John Sandford 24 February 2020 - 2 comments

1989 thriller, first in the long series dealing with police detective Lucas Davenport. Someone is raping and murdering women in Minneapolis, but unlike your typical serial killer this one is smart

Shokugeki no Soma season 3.2 23 February 2020

2018 cooking story, shounen manga adaptation in 12 episodes: AniDB, vt "Food Wars: The Third Plate: Totsuki Train Arc". Yukihira Sōma fights cooking duels to try to let himself and his friends be allowed to stay in the élite Totsuki cooking school.

Kitty's Greatest Hits, Carrie Vaughn 22 February 2020

2011 urban fantasy, short stories in the world of Kitty Norville – which means werewolves, vampires, and other odder things.

Perl Weekly Challenge 45: bad codes and quines 21 February 2020

I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly Challenges. The latest was about a bad encoding scheme and producing the source of a program.

Old Loves Die Hard, Lauren Carr 20 February 2020

2011 cosy mystery, second in the Mac Faraday series. Police detective turned heir Faraday finds his ex-wife importuning him to let them get back together… but soon enough she's dead, and so's her new husband.

Rallyman GT unboxing and first look 19 February 2020

My copy of Rallyman GT has arrived; I backed the Kickstarter in 2018, it was originally expected last November, and it finally made it to me on 30 January.

The Future of Another Timeline, Annalee Newitz 18 February 2020

2019 science fiction. There have always been the Machines: nobody knows how they work or where they came from, but they let people travel back in time, and return. Tess is a traveller from 2022, studying history and making illicit changes to it. In 1992, Beth is trying to work out the right thing to do as her life goes out of control.

The Path of Cunning Issue 2 17 February 2020 - 1 comment

The second issue of the GURPS fanzine The Path of Cunning is out.

On the Clock, Emily Guendelsberger 16 February 2020

Guendelsberger worked as a reporter at a local newspaper; it was closed down. Through a combination of poverty and journalistic curiosity, she took a pre-Christmas job at an Amazon warehouse ("fulfillment center"), then later worked at a call centre and in a fast-food outlet.

Shaun the Sheep: The Movie 15 February 2020

2015 animation, dir. Mark Burton, Richard Starzak; IMDb / allmovie.

When the sheep get bored with the hard work of life on the farm, they lock the farmer in a caravan for a day off. Chaos ensues.

Kitty's Big Trouble, Carrie Vaughn 14 February 2020

2011 urban fantasy, ninth in the series. Kitty Norville, the late-night DJ who has become the world's most famous werewolf, goes to San Francisco to help out a friend. Who happens to be a vampire…

Perl Weekly Challenge 44: goal-seeking 13 February 2020

I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly Challenges. The latest was about arranging numbers and arithmetical operations.

Trainwreck, Sady Doyle 12 February 2020

2016 non-fiction. Doyle examines the history and the anatomy of the celebrity trainwreck, the (female) figure who is deemed to have fallen from grace and behaved badly.

Marlow Tabletop and Board Games 16 January 2020 11 February 2020

This Meetup-based boardgames group continues to meet at the Marlow Donkey.

Fuzzies and Other People, H. Beam Piper 10 February 2020

1984 science fiction, re-read. For the Fuzzies to be able to testify against the people who kidnapped and enslaved them, they need to be veridicated… which means they need to be able to lie. But that's not a thing that Fuzzies do…

Perl Weekly Challenge 43: rings and self-descriptive numbers 09 February 2020

I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly Challenges. The latest was about allocating numbers to rings and generating self-descriptive numbers.

A Princess in Theory, Alyssa Cole 08 February 2020

2018 romance. Naledi Smith is studying epidemiology in New York while waitressing to pay the bills, and really doesn't have time for those emails claiming to be from an African prince to whom she was betrothed as a child. But Prince Thabiso is real…

Handycon 7 07 February 2020

This boardgame convention was still at the larger venue in Maidenhead, but with more people booked in and much more of a crush, especially on Saturday.

The Moon, Oliver Morton 06 February 2020

2019 non-fiction. Morton considers the history of human interaction with the Moon.

Games in Reading, 16 January 2020 05 February 2020

I went over to a friend's place for boardgames.

Vision in White, Nora Roberts 04 February 2020

2009 romance. Mackenzie Elliott and three of her childhood friends run a wedding business, everything from engagement photos to the Big Day. But, inspired by the example of her mother, Mac thinks true love can't be for her…

Perl Weekly Challenge 42: octal and balancing brackets 03 February 2020

I’ve been doing the Perl Weekly Challenges. The latest was about printing in octal and detecting balanced brackets.

Kitty Goes to War, Carrie Vaughn 02 February 2020

2010 urban fantasy, eighth in the series. Kitty Norville, the late-night DJ who has become the world's most famous werewolf, is still post-traumatic from the events of the last book, but has to face two new problems.

January 2020 Trailers 01 February 2020

Some trailers I've seen recently, and my thoughts on them. (Links are to youtube. Opinions are thoroughly personal. Calibration: It was his love of hatred that kept him going.)

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